Saturday, November 30

Messing with a Suck up!

The Mumbling Guy sent me a message a few days ago, asking me to give him a call! That's how disgusting he is! He feels he's too important to call others! Others shall always call him! I'm fine with that! So, I called him to see what he wanted! You see? Even if he needs something, he doesn't call you! 
When I call him, he says that he needs to use me as a reference for his new job application! It's a position closer to his place and he doesn't have to drive across the city and I'm sure he gets way more. He claims it'd be north of 150 K. Good for him. I don't have any issue with that. After all he was the one who gave positive feedback when I first applied for this job. 
I then received an e-mail from a recruiter with some 15 questions, maybe! I don't remember exactly how many they were. I started providing answers to all quickly at my lunch break, at work, except for two or three which I truly did not know what he would want to say, including the reason why he wanted to leave this current position and I didn't write anything untrue. The Mumbling Guy, despite being deceitful, jealous, greedy and an asshole(!), has some good attributes! He's good in his area of expertise! I think that is the only thing he's good at! The lady came back to me for clarification on two questions. I called him and told him the story but I decided to mess with him a little bit! I told him that there were as many as seven questions! I read the first two and made up the rest and he provided answers over the phone. I pretended I was writing! I just wanted to give him a bit of anxiety! 
When I got home I saw a thank you e-mail from the lady. Then the next day I sent him a massage and said that the lady had called me after I sent her the response! This time he called me because he was worried about what had happened! I told him that the recruiter had called me after the e-mail was sent to her and I asked her to call me after work! I told him we talked for over half an hour and she wanted to confirm some of the responses that I had provided! He bought it. I could go on and on but I thought it would lose its value. That's enough for a suck up!
(Photo: I remember how he used to suck up to the people he knew he had to when we worked together. I, happily, do not have to do this and never did this. My performance speaks for itself. I just have to keep my mouth shut) 

Tuesday, November 26

My Miso Soup

I wasted some money and spent some on my recent trip to Japan. I paid nearly $70 for my phone service which I should say that it was only internet as the Government of Japan does not allow foreigners who come to Japan as a visitor to have a phone, while I only used 25% of my allowable data! While I only ate once in the entire time I was there and that was a small breakfast, I might have saved a lot but my Shinkansen tickets were nearly $1000! I didn't stay in 4-star or higher hotels, although one of them claims to be, all of the hotels I stayed at were 3-star and that was quite an expense.
I did not buy much as a souvenir or perhaps I should write basically nothing but a few small items but those caused a bit of a nuisance. You must do most of your shopping in the last two days of your trip, as I wrote earlier to avoid hauling too much around, particularly if you're traveling to the end of the country like I did! 
One of the things I bought was a box or container of Miso paste for about $3 or so to make the soup. It's nearly 750 g and you can imagine that a lump with that weight, especially when it is at one corner of a bag, a backpack or sack, is not something easy to move around!  
I made the soup last week eventually and it was not too bad. It only had two issues: 1) One of the ingredients, a taste enhancer was missing! 2) I'm not sure if the Tofu was the best.
Then I compared it with the soup I had nearly one year ago when a colleague took us to this Japanese restaurant in southern Edmonton. That tasted better! Either because they knew how to make it and this was my first time and missing an ingredient or I have no idea! 
(Photo: My Miso Soup. I bought the spoon from Japan as well. It works like a scoop more than a spoon!)

Monday, November 25

Appropriate Insults!

I cancelled a ticket to Denver for Christmas and bought my ticket for the second trip to Japan next year(!) while having another plan for June but have to get a sort of agreement as there will be no vacation.  
Then yesterday I was talking  to myself: What should I do today? I'm a bit bored and tired after jogging.  I ate my lunch. Then the answer hit me: Come up with a list of appropriate insults! What do I mean by that? These are the humiliating ones but not too rude! What do you think about the list. I have to say that the original ones, mean invented by me(!) are followed by a capital O:
1) Go dig a latrine.
2) You have your entire life to be a Jerk, take today off.
3) Why don't you hang yourself from the ceiling? It would be a nice scene! (O). (This might be a little too harsh)
4) When a dog barks at me, I don't kick its ass (O).
5) Go get your six pack and weed (O). 
6) When did you say you would move out of your Mom's house? (O).
7) Did you get permission from your Dad to come here or you don't even know who it is!? (O).
Then I thought I should come up with some new ones regarding these people who claim they're neither a boy nor a girl. That would be another post. 
8) I don't know what your parents did to you (Courtesy of Seinfeld!) 
(Photo: I was once in Downtown Calgary Safeway, I used to go there a lot, sometimes 4 times a week and a silly guy did something that I disliked a lot! I think he was a construction worker. I called him something that I shouldn't have and to this day I feel bad and remorseful, I called him White Trash and I can't recall clearly but I think he ignored me(!) and then another fella and his girlfriend, both of course Caucasians like the construction worker, started to follow me in the isles and gazing at me. You never know what people are capable of doing although it was nearly 11 years ago or more and people have still not become as crazy and insane as they are now, I got the hell out of there after paying for my merchandise. I thought I shall say this as part of the post although it has nothing to do with this picture of two girls fighting!)

Sunday, November 24

Alcohol Addicted Losers!

I met a lady, I guess it was nearly two years ago, in one of Lina's stores in Calgary. Tall, slim, blond, blue eyes. Typical Caucasian desirable woman. She was promoting a product and naturally was nice because obviously she was trying to get more customers. I had a little chat with her which somehow was directed to travelling and she told me she was in this country. When I asked her when she had traveled, she said in her youth, which must have been at least 35 years ago! 
I personally believe if you travel somewhere and that was more than 10 years ago, it barely counts as a recent trip and should not even mention it! For example I've traveled to Germany twice: Once in 2008 and once in 2014. The closest one was 10 years ago! That's why I'm going again. If you traveled somewhere in your teenage years while you were broke and had to sleep with 32 other people in a shelter-like place and ate cheap food, now that you're 55 you must recall that as a nightmare! However, this is common within Westerners. They work low pay jobs in summer to save some money to go to these cheap ass countries such as Toilet-Thailand, nasty pig sty Laos, Full-of-cockroaches Cambodia or the second biggest whorehouse of the world, Vietnam! and shit-holes like that just to take a few pictures, drink cheap alcohol and sleep with a few more guys and gals! 
The fraudulent people of those shit-holes take as much advantage as they can: Just go see what the Government of Canada Travel Advisory says about these filthy toilets that I named three of them above as well as, some of the writings available in the web. A recent example of that are the losers who died in Laos! Just read that again: Laos! Can you think of a nastier place than southeast Asia full of worms, cockroaches and sewer rats in the shape of human beings. What happened to those motherless losers is they died of drinking Ethanol! Wake up from the stupidity and get yourselves together. Your lives seem to be meaningless without alcohol, drugs, the stupid social media, fast food and casual sex! You have no shame and no principles. 
(Photo: A view over Munich, Germany around Olympic Park. I took this back in Oct. 2014)

Saturday, November 23

Too Good to be True (2)

The Mumbling Guy
contacted me a few weeks ago and said that he had transferred(!) my contact information to a recruiter for a good and highly-paid position. The salary was $110 K! It was a management position in a manufacturing facility which uses certain material. I won't reveal the details as usual.   
I thought to myself: It's way more than my current salary. I don't have to drive that much and it would be great but why would a company offer that much, especially in that industry. It doesn't seem that they make so much! Then I thought: I've been here for over a year and although my salary is much less but I'm in the right industry for myself, I've been given the opportunity to learn, take courses and practically do whatever I think is necessary to do. Isn't this enough?
All I need is to stay with this company for three to five years and then I automatically increase my chance of being hired by a better employer. 
(Photo: A good joke about a 6-figure salary. That is me, although I earned it once after 4 years of working for an employer. Got kicked out by those motherfuckers, filthy animals, then!)

Friday, November 22

A Hike of XK

I had my annual performance review this week. I thought my performance was not bad but I had a few issues with a number of dolts! That was mentioned during the evaluation and I made him sure that it would never happen again! An in fact it has not happened again. I have good relationship with almost everyone and shut them down one after another, if they bullshit, professionally and politely. One old bag was saying nonsense a few days ago. I just shut him down and walked away! I know people have needs and cost of living is high but imagine a loser at retirement age who works 3 days a week, say, to support himself and his family and then is asked to increase it to four. He accepts it but he claims that the employer has threatened him to lower his wage if he does not work the fourth day! Who in their right mind believes this shit?! And the loser's frustration over being an idiot in his youth and having to work at the age of 65+ leads to being a pain in the butt and a miserable, disgusting, repulsive creature!
Going back to the evaluation session, the fella pointed at my few slips(!) and I said I guarantee that it would never happen. Then he asked me how much I thought my raise would be! I wasn't expecting that and I did not know what to say. I said it would be up to him.  He said that he considered $X000 annually and he would notify the office to be paid starting the next pay-stub. It's not a bad raise but still after a year that I haven't been able to move closer to work and pay extraordinarily high for fuel and maintenance but that's not their fault!
(Photo: A Dilbert cartoon regarding salary increase. I unfortunately, cannot use this approach!)

Sunday, November 17

The Beautiful Scenes of Ontario

 I I wrote about this crap, multiculturalism, not working a long time ago but in pathetic loser's country, called Canada, where most people do not want to work, there is no other choice but to falsely claim that they are inclusive and welcome everyone just to be able to function! The reality is most of, I repeat, most of the businesses who use these crazy Punjabi or other extremists, are not essential. All these junk food joints and supermarkets, could be easily managed and run without these people. The trucking industry is dominated by these people, simply because Canadians do not think this job is cool! Driving a taxicab and bus has been the foreigner's jobs as far back as history recalls! Those guys all had permanent and steady job, all purchased homes and grew family and these Caucasian guys are still thinking of becoming a Hockey star! Now after decades they have woken and started to complain! 
The funny thing is this recent clash of cultures, isn't even between Canadians and non-Canadians! It's within Indians who are followers of different faiths! I watched the clips and I was filled with joy! They were beating on each other with sticks, throwing punches, kicking cars, uttering threats, you name it. It was quite amusing. But do you know why Hindus are so mad? There are different reasons for that. Here are a couple: 

1) More than 85% of the population of India are Hindus. Sikhs asses would be kicked really badly in there, if they wanted to say nonsense such as independence or other crap. They actually have been kicked a few times. The Government of India raided their temple in 1984 when they first wanted to become important and beat the shit our of them. Operation Blue Star was planned and executed to shut down Sikh extremists and it was successful but later cost the life of the Indian PM, Indra Gandhi. The Sikh terrorists assassinated the poor lady. Now Hindus have realized that the very people who always were a minority and considered inferior, have the upper hand! In addition to that, Sikhs mostly do physical jobs and are in public services including the police, security, corrections, you name it. So they can tell people what to do! That pisses Hindus even more. That was the issue in Brampton! The Police over there have a large number of Sikh people and they are accused of supporting and assisting the people who storm the Hindu temple. One of them is currently suspended.
2) The pathetic, disgusting Government of Canada, has always been the supporter of Sikhs and their evil plans. The PM and MPs always attended their ceremonies, they always praised them and they always admired them so they can get enough votes at the election time! The broken judicial system of Canada, which actually encourages you to keep committing crime, for example if you kill someone, they put you behind the bars for five years and you could be out after only, perhaps, three, on the account of good behaviour(!), acquitted one of the masterminds of the 1985 Air India bombing, they have absorbed many of these people in public service. What more could they ask for?! Have you seen the MP dressing like a Chinese man and go to, for example, a Confucius temple?! Or grow a beard, put a long robe on and go to a mosque! No! I don't know why.
I, for one, truly hope these clashes between Sikhs and Hindus, Arabs and Israelis and other ethnic groups and religious bands, escalates to the point that the streets of this county are unrecognizable from high crime rate countries. That would be the time Canadian people realize that life is not only about Toilet Swift, NHL, Dancing with Assholes and other nonsense they spend the majority of their time. I hope they wake up soon before the streets of Canada become the same as what we saw on the streets of Amsterdam, last week. 
(Photo: Indian Sikhs are armed to the teeth are leaving Harmandir Sahib, also known as Golden Temple in Amritsar, northwestern India. They have succeeded in looking fearsome! Now it's easy to find out what kind of people you're dealing with. Judging is easy!)

Saturday, November 16

The Chubby Chicken

When I first came to Canada, there were many new things that I wanted to try but I was shy! Futureshop, which no longer exists was one of them! I know it sound stupid and hilarious at the same time! So was Chubby Chicken by A&W! I think I tried them years later, only once and that was enough! We all know that fast food is not good for us but some of us have no other choice!
Then this was this new woman at work a few months ago: The Chubby Chicken! Average Caucasian girl: blue eyes, blond, beautiful smile, in short: A peach, but crazy but not too crazy so far! A recently separated woman with a child. I am not prying on her but I have to evaluate my choices: Stay miserable or have someone?! I'm sure you'd encourage me to choose the latter but is that easy? No!  
History shows that many Mom's in situations like back go back to their relationship for one reason or another. I always treat everyone nicely and try to be respectful and polite. I gradually started talking to her on different topics and her reaction was good, smiling and laughing all the time. While it means nothing, the only thing it could mean is that she's trying to put the annoying life aside and just have a little laugh here and there. When I asked her a question and insisted that I didn't intend to ask personal questions, she said: A little personal is Okay. Is she testing me? Maybe. Then I started offering her food and snacks and she always loved them and thanked me. She even said we could go for lunch as colleagues which is a good start but has not happened although I have invited her a few times. When I invited her to do a sport together, which I'm not going to say what it was, in case it leads to identifying her here(!), she said she would let me know when she wanted to do that but that did not happen either. She cited her chaotic life as a reason for that. Instead she said that she would go to watch a professional sport with me, which I'm not saying what she liked, for the same reason. That was the time I realized that she was looking for an ATM
What I kept in mind is she's Caucasian after all and they generally don't like foreign men but some don't dislike free food and being taken to games for free. Right? I don't have any issue spending a few ten dollars on a pair of tickets and a meal or snack but I'd like more out of this and I don't know if that would happen! What I do know is sleeping with her would be amazing and I don't care if it takes six months or nine but I have no guarantee. Then I thought to myself: I lived like that with my ex-life for a long time, why can't I provide the same services to this lady?! At the end either I get what I"m looking for or she will go back to her husband or someone else. I get some companionship and she gets free stuff! It's quite similar to what I've experienced earlier. The only difference here is this is a Chubby Chicken! More delicious than my ex! 
(Photo: looks like someone has put hours of work to make this Chubby Chicken metal sign, if I can call it and present it online for sale! Nice work) 

Monday, November 11

Out after 10 Years (21): Transportation in Japan

Japan is a populated country and more than 90% of its people live in urban areas. Everyone wants to be modern and not fall behind! Tokyo consists of 14 districts and has a population of over 14,000,000. I think I wrote the population was over 37,000,000 in one of the previous posts but that includes the suburbs or I am mistaken. I apologize. You might think it is a very noisy and polluted city with lots of traffic. Wrong! It absolutely is not!
Here is why Tokyo is a much calmer place in comparison with a city in North America, let's name none(!):

Many commercial vehicles, including the delivery trucks are electric. One might ask how much these little vehicles can deliver. You have to remember that there are no enormous supermarkets such as Wal-nasty-Mart or the Real Canadian Superasshole in Japan. All the businesses fall under either small or medium

Taxis are a comfortable  source of transportation but remember that they don't have  the best drives. You are in an Asian country!
SUVs such Land Cruiser are rarely seen in Japan. There is no need for them. Yet some might drive it. This one was on display in a showroom in Nagasaki. One like this goes for CAD $75,000 or more, here

1) There are not many vehicles on the roads: Japan, as much as I experienced, has a great and mostly modern public transportation system. You barely need a vehicle. Trains are regular, punctual and even comfortable. Bus and taxi is available and the subway provides the same quality service as above the ground train. There are bicycle lanes in many areas. Who would need a car?! 

2) Most of the cars are small and the majority of them are either electric or hybrid. One might ask what does the size of a car has to do with traffic?! Small cars require less power to drive. So having them in electric power is easier and consequently results in less pollution. It is very rare that you hear engine raving. Neither hybrid nor electric generates that type of disturbance. 

3) Driving is not that bad. I haven't been to many Asian countries but I know from the media that people are horrible in most countries in that continent. So, you need to keep in mind that you still are in Asia but in a higher version of that.

4) Driving is on the left side of the road. It takes a few days or for some people longer to get used to just seeing vehicles going in the wrong direction! As per driving, I wanted to rent a car but didn't due to lack of confidence and practice. Imagine that you spend thousands of dollars for a 2-week vacation and want to enjoy yourself and all of a sudden you see yourself in the middle of a traffic accident! Stick to the public transportation and you will be fine! 

5) Taxis. There are plenty of taxis available everywhere and many who seek comfort and don't care to spend ¥1,200 and up, use them but they are expensive and generally not a good choice for foreigners. The biggest issue is not being able to communicate clearly. I showed a taxi driver my address and he still took me to the wrong place.So, unless you know Japanese or can make him fully understand, skip the cabs! 

6) Bikes are an excellent choice. Electric scooters are available as well. I think they both are very good sources of travel in smaller cities such as Nagasaki that I went to but I didn't get any. They are not cheap and also you need to know how to secure them, if you're going, say, for a meal or shopping. So, perhaps I shall say that they are good sources if you want to see the outdoors, take pictures and have a sort of picnic.

(Photo, top: Trains, unlike mostly think, are not always contested and uncomfortable. They, as far as I remember, are equipped with a cooling and heating system. That is why they are the best way of transportation in the country) 

Sunday, November 10

Who shall be held Responsible?

The recent clash between Sikhs and Hindus has been the most entertaining and beautiful event, If I may call it, in the past 10 years or so. There is no doubt it was the Sikh extremist Khalestani separatists who started that and also there is no doubt that there are government who benefit from this, to name Pakistan, who adds fuel to this conflict through ISI, but who is responsible for this act of Barbaric violence? The answer is very simple: The Government of Canada.
One might ask: why? The answer to that is very simple: All that The Government of Canada cares about is money, revenue. For that, they have let flocks of dishonest people in in the past many years and there are many terrorist and extremists amongst them. I remember that there was a documentary about the Sikh extremists in British Columbia on CBC a few years ago. It clearly stated that the many members of the Liberal Party attend Sikh ceremonies and their gatherings to buy votes by themselves. It's a whole different world when you go to British Columbia. These guys are everywhere and dislike everyone: Police, transport, correctional services, you name it. I don't think the documentary said that The Conservatives were clean but there's no doubt that The Liberals have given them more room to maneuver. 
They have the pictures of the Sikhs who were arrested and killed by Indian security forces because of their acts of violence, on the walls of their Gurdwara (Sikh place of worship) and the then Premier of British Columbia,k once I remember, left their ceremony as sign of disagreement.  
Malik Singh was acquitted of the Air India bombing chargesd. He was shot dead two years ago 
It's obvious that with Sikh cheap labour force many industries, including fruit and vegetable, trucking, fast food and so would not survive but whose fault is that? Canadians, the majority of them, they don't want to do those jobs. They want to be Hockey Player, Jail Guard, Police Officer, Firefighter and generally what pays well. The industries have to then use Sikh cheap labour or other foreigners but that is the nature of Capitalism: There are multi-million dollar businesses who need simple jobs to be done mostly buy unskilled worker who get paid minimum wage. 
Clark in 2017. She had a reaction to displaying the pictures of killed Sikhs
What would happen, if these businesses didn't exist in Canada, for example: Tim Horton's, Dollarama, McDonald's, Burger King, A&W, and so on? Nothing! Everyone would still be living! These businesses bring millions of dollars to the corporations and CRA and feed, moistly, foreigners!   
The last thing I would like to add is Hindus are not so innocent either. There is a clip of someone who was yelling something like: Let us attack all Sikh temples in India! We all know that Modi's government has treated the minorities unfairly in the past 10 years he has been in the office. What does that do? It provokes other people to react! 
(Photo, top: Khalestani separatist Sikhs in Ontario chanting slogans and pointing fingers at Hindus! What a great country that everyone brings their shit here!)