Sunday, March 9

The Three Billboards Story

These days I don't have much to do rather than wasting my life, suffering from cold and hunger, job searching and occasional doing of other things, at times I watch a movie. Not a new movie in a theater! I wouldn't even go, if I was employed! I have been to movie theaters by myself in the past, when I was working but not very often. That is the situation where you feel the biggest loser in society! 
Everyone is there either with a gf/bf, a spouse, a friend or the family and you're the only one sitting by yourself. What would you feel rather than being, perhaps, the biggest loser in the entire universe?! But I usually go early, when there's 20 minutes or earlier before the start of the film and I go sit in the last row, on the top! In that case I don't have to walk by myself in front of couples and families to get to a seat(!), although you get the feeling when you're leaving! 
So the movies I watch are the ones I have either on my old PC or on DVDs. I watched Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, not that old movie, only 8 years! The movie is not bad and the acting is good but it didn't have the impact that I was expecting. For example not the same impact as  Mississippi Burning, The Killing Fields, or even Malcolm X (these are just examples) In this kind of movies, you would like to go back and watch, over and over because of their strong story, great acting and good screenplay. Three Billboard ... is good, but not as good and it's sad. You feel bad about the teen and her mother and you feel bad for mostly all of the movie characters or maybe it's because I watched it at this time! Give it a try. 
(Photo: Frances Mcdormand in a scene of the movie next to one of the billboards. The deer could have been added using computer-generated imagery technology or simply brought and released there!)

Saturday, March 8

How Wrong Was I?!

I called The Mumbling Guy a few days ago and he didn't respond with the level of enthusiasts(!) that I was expecting and I got both sad and angry but we decided to meet after his work somewhere close to his office on his way home. He came and he spent nearly 2 hours with me helping with my job search and interview. I was really impressed and surprised! I wasn't expecting that from him and I thought perhaps I never gave him enough credit. He's the same guy as always: Bragging about every aspect of his life but what do I care about as long as he's nice and helpful! He's a cheap bastard too but listening to the stories of his life in India, I understand where he comes from! The funny thing is even if you call him from that country, he doesn't like it. The interesting thing is he goes to India regularly, though! 
He had a few good points for my resume which I'm certain working on, would help me. He also gave me hope and told me to work on my interview skills as well and go for the job. I left him with plenty of positive things while I wanted to call and cancel it due to the distance (almost 85 Km or 52 miles round trip! There I promised myself to not only take his family to lunch, or have them over, but also buy something for them, like a gift for their home. It's not going too far away. I realized how wrong I was cutting off every one simply because they had flaws, while I have many flaws myself! Now I've stopped that but it might be too late for some. I called a schoolmate who had not received any messages from me for over 5 years. He had a short conversation but when I asked to meet him he said he'd be busy and later didn't respond to my message. Yes. I was wrong. I was wrong many times but I think I still can recover to some extent. My father used to say:  One enemy is too many but one thousand friends are not! He was a very popular person and so have I been but he stuck to the first part and I haven't! I created more! 
(Photo: This is what has happened to most of the resumes that I've sent! Not that I'm not able to do the job. I presented myself badly)