Saturday, January 13, 2024

Sensing the Real Alberta Winter

The real Alberta winter arrived this week, after months of mild or perhaps I shall say bad weather. Why? While everyone was happy because it was not cold or there was no precipitation, they don't understand this simple fact that no precipitation means a horrible summer of drought and higher prices of food! Even the so-called Engineering Manager of us was surprised when I said that and he, rather than his position, has been graduated from University of Calgary which is considered a top school in Canada
So what do you expect from the average Joe when their educated person is dumb as a f*ck! And despite all these warnings given and two weeks passing Christmas people still have lots of lights on at night! Even last night most of the house across from where I live, had their outside lights on!!! 
I haven't had any problem with the car so far, fortunately. Neither with the battery nor with the tire but I booked for tire change. For those who are reading this, trying to find something to get back at me, because they don't like what I write or who I am(!), I have to say that I won't say where I got a very reasonable price for tire change and how much it would cost! So, you can swear as much as you want and vent yourself here. Your writing would be easily removed!  
(Photo: The vehicle's odometer showing yesterday morning's temperature and it normally shows 2 degrees warmer! This is in Celsius which equals to roughly -38 degrees Fahrenheit) 

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