Sunday, May 26, 2024

The two-faced Possessed

I was watching scenes of Body of Lies, the movie which appears not to be a good one in the eyes of Westerners, the other night and when  it remind me of something. But first let's talk about this " old "(!) movie. It's about terrorism in western Asia or where Westerners would like to call it by a different term! The time when Iraq and Syria was ruled by religious militants and Westerners were targeted repeatedly. They are targeted right now as well and those countries are not peaceful yet but they are calmer than those years, the years after the US-led Invasion of Iraq
Since Westerners are not fans of this type of movies, because first this is old(!) one and secondly, it is about terrorism(!) I will talk a little bit about the story with the hope that it's not considered a spoiler. There's this CIA agent who works in Iraq in counter-terrorism operations and it is transferred to the neioghbouring Jordan where in another action meets this local but not-local pretty young girl, played by Iranian actress, Golshifteh Farahani, and starts friendship with her. The story continues with terrorist kidnapping the girl, which later is realized to be the local intelligent agency setting that up to catch the terrorists! 
This summary, in my opinion, is not considered a spoiler because there's so much into the story but what this movie reminds me of this guy that I used to work with in British Columbia which despite most the time that I conceal the identity of people, I'm naming him here, as he was a two-faced, lying piece of shit. Sameer was a East Indian Muslim fella who worked with me briefly, as I said. When he was with me, he was this pious man with strong ties to his roots, beliefs and religion, saying things that we Muslims, assuming I was one, shall be united and shit. When he was with other, he would change 180° and play the day's game! We had a fat East Asian guy with us, who told us that he had come from California, I think San Francisco and he one day, after a few weeks or maybe a little more than a month got diapered. He told me that Sameer wanted to hang out with him, going to strip clubs in north Surrey! The fat guy's name, if I'm not wrong, was Justin Ha, a short Chinese guy, I think who is born in the US and somehow had ended up in British Columbia on those years. I'm talking about 2008 and 2009. 
What Sameer, whose surname is forgotten has to do with these scenes of Body of Lies is that these Muslim fanatics call this behaviour Takfir Methodology! It means Muslims fanatics do things that they are not allowed to do to appear non-Muslim and do not look suspicious when they want to do their evil things! This, of course, is not what Sameer was doing because it must have been the other way, he should have offered me to go to a strip club with him, if that actually was his intent, not Ha, but because I never understood why he wanted to do that, it reminds me of him. He was an idiot who was being pushed by his father. Once I met his in a rundown building in north Surrey where he claimed he was doing some accounting job. The piece of shit used to call me every day but after we split. I did move on to another job and contacted him he said he was busy! I hope he reads this one day and understand that I know what to-faced piece of shit, possessed by lie and deceit person he is! 
(Photo: DiCaprio and Farahani in a scene of the movie. I think she had a good performance for her first role alongside a major actor)

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