Monday, May 20, 2024

Who is Backward and Primitive? (2)

The problem with gun violence gets to the top of the news once in a while when there's a mass shooting in the US or rarely Canada. Michael Moore depicted that in his brilliant movie, Bowling in Columbine and I've written about it. If you haven't watched it, please do. Alphonse who has been living in the US, in the states of Massachusetts and California, for nearly 20 years, not that he know everything, even though he thinks, at times, that he's such a hot shot(!), was saying once during our meetings that people cannot defeat NRA
This is quite contrary to the concept of democracy. A majority cannot get they want, legally! The other thing that I wanted to mention and is my focus here is how backward and primitive these Americans, are actually are! As I wrote in part one of this topic, people of Iran, specifically and the neighbouring Afghanistan have always been called backward and primitive. I have no doubt about that. The Taliban in Afghanistan is ruling based on Sharia Law which is the law of Islam, originated 1500 years ago. They deprive women of their basic rights, including education, they have no respect for minorities and keep them appressed at all time, kill them and torture them. They perform public punishment, You name it. The government of Iran is no better than that. The people who watch foreign news maybe once a week, which is a very small portion of population in North America, have probably heard about the brutality of Moral Police in the recent years and how they have killed girls as young as 16 years of age. I agree to the all and I condemn them. 
But How primitive and backward the people who want to keep a law which was ratified in 1791, are? More than 230 years have passed and you don't want to change? How many more maniacs should get their hands on firearm and shoot everyone they see, for you to open your eyes? You are modern and civilized. Aren't you? 
This topic, somehow, came up during a lunch meeting at the previous job. Our manager, I think out of his good heart, used to take us out for a meal, once in a few months. Our supervisor, when we started talking about gun control, showed extreme anger by saying that RCMP will soon be knocking at his door and will ask questions about guns and he will regrettably has to hand them in or face charges. That's why I like about Canada. The laws regarding gun possession is much restrict here and more restriction is put in. I asked him why he needed the guns in the first place. He said that he needed them to defend his home and his family. I replied by saying: That's why we have a police force. And he goes: I don't get any protection from the police. They don't provide a good service. I responded: Then you need to see what prevents the police to provide an effective and prompt service! 
I know the police's hand is tight in Canada and they mostly don't receive a very good training. There have been time that the police's response have been questioned and their response have been: Not the proper training had been provided. Beside that is the investigation of the police every time someone is hurt. If you're committing a crime, you shall expect a punishment and that punishment, at times, might come before the court, including you get shot at, because you were shooting at an officer or the police was feeling threatened or felt that his partner's life was in danger. People have a long battle, if they want to overcome these barbaric modern people who support gun violence!
(Photo: This cartoon depicts one of the main debates between the people who are for guns and against gun. Photo curtesy of the artist) 

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