Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Some Dog Sh*t Merchandise

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. I went to this East Indian store yesterday because I thought everyone else would be closed on Canada Day and saw some crazy things and decided to share it here to see how sick minded some people are. Not to mention that later I checked and almost everyone was open until 04:00 or perhaps even after that! So here are the valuable merchandise from some really geniuses who have stolen the world's biggest markets:
1) Some sort of chips with KFC logo on the bag and perhaps the (fake) taste! I didn't check the price. There was actually no tag but I think it would've been good to see how much a fraud would make when committing logo infringement and buying himself a criminal record? Is it worth it?!

2) This one is really something! First of all There's no place for soup in East Indian cuisine and eating culture! So I really don't know what this guy was trying to say! Secondly corn has no place in Indian subcontinent cuisine as well! And then why the hell there's a picture of a mustache man with sunglasses on a bag of dry soup?! And then why did you have to use some Oriental alphabet?! Is that Japanese, Mandarin or what? It certainly isn't Korean. They use lots of circles, globes and spheres! And finally " I love Desi "?! Really? After all that crap now you love Desi?! 
Do you like to see more of this freak show? I can send you the address. It'll be quiet entertaining and one other feature of this glorious journey would be seeing extremely hideous and repulsive women! Enjoy!