Monday, February 20, 2023

Useless Money

This job that I have been doing since last May has gotten a bit easier now that they put someone to help me although he's more of a screw up than help! It's not too much work and the money is okay but had I been gotten the job that I was originally offered, I would've made an extra  $5 every hour that I have been working there! 
That said, most of this money is useless and I can't spend! I have to save it. Most of my earning has been sitting in the account and I only pay for food and gasoline. The home money is automatically taken out. I can't buy anything unless it's absolutely essential, such as food and gasoline, as I said. And of course occasional maintenance for the car because without that I'm paralyzed! I bought a ticket for Europe before the new year and booked a number of hotels. Cancelled them all just recently! Air Canada keeps your money as a voucher and you can use it later but the money for the hotels are gone! Why did I do that? Because in this toilet that I have trapped myself in(!), having job security is only possible if your work for McDonald's and such, are a good ass-kisser or are Caucasian!
This project will be ended in Aug. and I'm certain that most of the people will be kicked out. Labourer's which consist most of the workforce will easily a job somewhere but I know I'll be struggling. So I started job searching and studying again! I need to overcome this beast before it's too late! 
There's this young Korean fella whom I associate with at time through work. He was once telling me: You're experienced. You'd be fine. You would get a position soon! I was about to burst into laughter and say: Tell it to the asshole employers who for no reason, turned me down! 
(Photo: Money confiscated by law enforcement in Canada as being suspicious for laundering is used for illustration purposes only. My money is in bank!)

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