Wednesday, September 06, 2023

My Second Face-to-Face Interview of 2023

I was a bit uncomfortable this morning and also the entire yesterday and I'm tried now! It was because of the damn interview I had this morning in another city. I was not nervous. It's just the whole concept of meeting new people who scrutinize you for the position that you might or might not get it. It's no picnic! I prepared myself. Went through the positing my resume and the thing I thought they would ask and left home early enough to give myself time to reach there on time. I had realized that my GPS was outdated and the company's address is not showing! I tried to update it and I don't know what the hell happened that it didn't! 
Then I said to myself: How would people travel for hundreds of years without a GPS?! I simply checked the address again and wrote the direction on a piece of paper! Then before leaving found the address in my phone and followed the instruction. One might ask why would I need a GPS if I have my phone? The answer is simple: I don't have a data plan! So my phone's GPS works when I turn the Wi Fi on, including when I'm home. This morning when I was leaving turned it on and put the destination in, which resulted in, obviously, a quick calculation and showing me the way. The GPS stays on, even when you leave home and there's no Wi Fi and that's, I've been told, because the phone has a built-in GPS device which allows it to keep the track, using the available satellites. The problem is if you somehow get distracted, instructions end but the point that you're following is still viewed on your screen. After that you have no control over it because the phone had this connection to the satellite using the Wi Fi and kept it on to the destination. Now that the destination is reached you still can follow the, say, pointer on the screen and go wherever but you can't give a new destination to the phone to find it for you. 
Now I've finished 95% of the trip and I take an exit and make two turns. The instruction is heard like a whisper and I, somehow miss the street and turn into another one! When I read, It's not " exactly " the same as what I had written! So I exit and continue on the main row just to realize after a few hundred meters that I'm getting close to the town while their address clearly says that they're located in the suburbs! I make a U-turn and enter the same street, go all the way and turn right and the clock is ticking! At this moment I am thinking I should probably give them a call and ask for the address which would've been very embarrassing! Imagine you're expecting someone for the interview and you have selected them out of tens of candidates and he's about to be interviewed for a very sophisticated position and all of a sudden the telephone rings and he's telling you that he's basically " lost " and can't find your address!  What would you do as a potential employer?! 
At this moment the only options left was either get out of the damn car and ask one of the local businesses, which I'm not very into, or simply don't show! I was about to leave when at the corner of my eyes saw the very same building that I had seen in the Maps! There it was! I pulled into their parking lot and let myself in. Right on time because while I was signing in, the guy showed and directed me to a big meeting room. 
There was an Oriental guy waiting for us there and the interview was officially started but I was the only one talking! The guy at times had a glimpse at my resume and would ask short questions or commented on. The other guy was just sitting like a dumbbell (and that's why you see a big dumbbell on the top!) and the only thing I noticed about him was either looking at his laptop and my resume or just making different facial expressions! By the way the expression " sitting like a dumbbell " is a quote from a 90's movie called Casino. If you haven't watched it yet, it's highly recommended.
It seemed to me that the younger guy was not very confident about the whole situation and the Oriental one, who had been doing everything that I'm supposed to do, since he's going to another location, lacks interest or I don't know how to interpret that. You're interviewing someone who's supposed to do what you've been doing and you don't even ask one technical question to see how confident they are in all the shit they have claimed in their resume??!!
That was basically the interview for nearly half an hour. They never said anything about when the selected person would start and they never even asked when I would be available! The only thing the guy asked me at the end was weather I would be willing to move to the town and of course my answer was yes. That was why I chose to attend the interview, you dolt! There was a mentioning of a test, its tool and its related certificate. I did a thorough search about that and learnt a lot. I even contacted The Mumbling Guy and he gave me a few good tips. Even that was not part of the interview! I assume once if I get the job, that would be an easy job considering I'd would have to deal with these geniuses but I haven't met the floor guys and that could change everything! 
(Photo: A dumbbell! Read the post, if you haven't and you'd realize why I've used that. I should've probably drown eyes, nose and lips but in today's world every simple joke could cost you!)

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