Sunday, September 29, 2024

Out after 10 Years (1): Tiring and Stressful Start

I'm writing from a tiny, little room in Tokyo and I'm dead tired! I'm too tired to write but at the same time too tired to go out to do anything. I should just shower, have a quick look at tomorrow's plan and go to bed. This is the beginning of my first out of the continent trip after 10 years
I couldn't sleep well last night and I wanted to call the cab company and change the pick up time from 05:30 to 04:45 but didn't and that was one of the reasons that I didn't have a good sleep. The woke up early and reached the airport by paying $50 to a taxi. The entire check-in, boarding and flight was very smooth, to Vancouver (which in fact is in Richmond!). Then I had to wait nearly 04:30 to get on the next flight to Narita. I was lucky that I bumped to a Filipino-Chinese (husband-wife) couple who were great people and helped me not feel so awful. 
The flight to Narita was so long and there was this gorilla next to me that made the, 09:30-hour flight even more miserable! Air Canada's service was good and because of that I'm not paying anything for food today but the length of the flight was unbearable, specially for me who had not flown even half of that much in the past 10 years! Air Canada's entertainment system was really good. Movies, news, shows, you name it but my seat was not so good! There was enough room leg but I had an isle seat and both the stewards and stewardesses were passing by continuously and although nothing happened, I was a little bit annoyed!
That said, when we reached at Narita almost on time, or perhaps even a bit earlier than the scheduled time, It took 65 minutes to pass the passport check and custom! I have to add that the Japanese people who were working there were all superb and did their best to get the line moving.
Canadian Rockies
I then bought a SIM Card, a transit pass and a ticket but was lucky that I ran to a Chinese man who happened to be working here in Tokyo and was at the airport to pick up his family who had come for a visit! Google Maps was not as helpful as I had thought and I was nervous and a little bit disoriented so when the man said that I needed the issued ticket to get out of the first line and get on the second line, I kind of panicked and thought I had lost it but it was in my wallet! You need to return the ticket you had used to get on a train, in combination with the card for the next ticket or you would be in trouble.
I'm going to sleep and will write, hopefully, tomorrow.
(Photo, top: This hotel room is very small)

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