Wednesday, July 23

Biking in the Hills

My Monday's ride to Nose Hill Environmental Park was not bad. I must say it was really good. I simply took 14th St. NW and at Calgary Winter Club turned left and entered the park. After minutes of fast pedaling when I was returning to the same gate, a damn dog started chasing me. It scared the shit of me. I think it was sent by its owner. Dumb-ass!
I start studying CQE Primer today. Its a good reference but as it's written in it, I need more references during the exam. which is a 5 hour one! I have to contact ASQ for that and see what they recommend.
(Photo: The beautiful Nose hill park and the pathways. I took this photo before I take the slope in front of me which gets to the pathway you see at the other side of the small valley)