Thursday, October 15

Serpentine Wildlife Area

If you ever enjoyed hiking , nature, photography and wild fruits as much as I do, you would definitely have a good time in south Surrey, B. C. where we were today and it's called Serpentine Wildlife Area. This is a protected habitat for different species like Canadian Goose, Duck, Blue Heron and so on and at the same time there's a path around it and pick nick benches so people who are respectful to the environment can sit and enjoy their time.
We walked around, took a few photos and enjoyed the beautiful wildlife and plants. And surprisingly we found 4 different types of fruits and one was really a blast: Medlar. We enjoyed the unique taste of some wild Medlar while some Nuts were still not ripe and the pears and blackberries were gone rotten.
(Photo: The Medlar trees were all at the other side of the fence where there was a private property. So we did not each much. But whatever we ate and that was after many years for me was fantastic!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey my tough bro

I am back after a long delay with some review of Bullpup assault rifles.

Take Care