Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Meth Test (Not Lab.)

We, I and the BigHead, had to pass this math test to be considered qualified to attend an NDT course. There was another course that we already had passed so we are a bit close but the problem with this one was that we had barely any idea what would be asked because it says math! It is a very general term! 
I was angry and frustrated because I imagined what everyone would think if I failed the math test! An engineer who claims years of experience in different industry cannot even pass a simple math test! The night before exam I drank two cups of coffee and told myself that I would stay up even to 02:00 AM, if it takes to cover every topic that would be a question from it in the damn test. I could not go past 12:30! I went to bed as I was dead tired but could not sleep for another hour and then it was the exam day. 
The exam was held by some local proctors but it was not a normal and usual exam. start! We were asked to leaver everything in a locker and take nothing to the test room! I never expected that! Apparently there have been cheaters who used any means to get by even these new silly wrist watches! We sat at out seats and we were asked to sign in to our accounts. Here was my screw up. I kept putting the wrong ID number twice until realized that and after blaming it on the website! In the meantime poor BigHead was sitting tight waiting for me, so we can start and finish together. That was when a woman went to him and told him to " Seat properly "! Even now I can stop smiling when I think of that! Then she asked him why he had not started the exam. He said he still had three minutes (the exam was supposed to be started at 13:00). I was stilling cleaning up my own mess, without them realizing it was my own fault(!) when she came to me and asked me to keep my voice down! I swear that I didn't even care. I was so busy to get to the website and start the test that I didn't even responded to her and she left! 
I finished the exam quickly and then went back and answered question 6, that I remember exactly I had left unanswered and reviewed all. The who process took some 40 minutes. The result were out right away but I didn't share with anyone. A very easy test that got me stressed out and angry for a few days. 
Back at work the next day we realized that the BigHead had gotten 90%! Impressive! Ha? Maybe. Merely because it was an easy exam. I got 100%. Now we're ready to hit the road again.
Note: I know it's math test not meth but I thought it would attract more people if I used methamfetamin instead of mathematics! 
(Photo: The meth labs are considered hazardous. That is how law enforcement agents deal with them once they are discovered)

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