Sunday, July 17


NHL and NHLPA have reached agreement last week but the detail hasn't been announced yet. This means that we'll have the next season pretty soon after 10 months lockout which that sucked! It also means that the teams are not now able to hire some of (or many of) the players because of their high price and the new salary cap. Stricter drug policy also would be applied and every player would be tested twice a year without a notice. There are more on the new agreement that might be written later.
I went for rollerblading for the second time today. The Uzbek guys are my instructors and they are good regardless of the age. I'm getting better but I'm far away from being relaxed and a good in-line skater. The one I have is a size 12, 2Xs Sports which was bought by Resurrect in a yard sale and I traded it in with a suitcase before he leaves almost a month ago. We then played field hockey and although they are all teenagers but I got really tired. (They used their in-line skates, I had my shoes on) That was really fun. If I was younger I would definitely play hockey and would try hard to join one of the 30 NHL teams.

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