Saturday, April 06, 2024

One Failed and one Passed

This damn CWB Level I Inspector closed book examination, the one out of three that one shall write to be come such an inspector has become a major problem for me. It's not that the reading material is very hard. It's just too much and I have neither time nor the mode to focus and finish the damn things. I did once and that was when I was laid off last summer but just week before the exam. I was offered this job and I cancelled the exam!
The postponement lead to another delay and I finally wrote it before my trip to California and the result came after I came back from the trip: I had failed 2 out of 3! The closed book, I can understand because it's a long 75-question examination which requires to cover 5 booklets but the damn practical examination is not hard. Nevertheless I have no choice rather than writing and doing the exams again.
The other exam., though, was successfully defeated. The XRF Level I Certificate gives one the permission to operate the Fluorescent Positive Materiel Identification handset under the certification issued by Natural Resources Canada, a subsidiary of the Government of Canada, of course. This was not such a hard exam. either but one shall still study and my trick for that was to ask my manager to give us time to perform a Group Study session. It work particularly because the long weekend before exam., which was unintentionally selected was spent in California! Mon. is usually a busy day because you come back after two day and this time the return was after three days! So the only time I had for preparation, after nearly 10 days of barely looking at the material was Tue. morning, before the exam. but because the hours spent in the Group Study was positive and effective, I was able to pass by 76.6% while I needed at least 70%. It's not a good score but it is a pass. So now I will have to worry about the Level II exam., only! The satisfactory part was the success of a fella worker. He had failed once and when we came out of the exam. room together, knowing that we both have passed, he shock my hand and thanked me. That was rewarding.
(Photo: A newer model of fluorescent analyzer. This small piece of machinery is used to analyze soil, alloys and mineral, in case you did not know)

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