Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Pleasure of being the Mediator

I've finished my 7th months on the new job just recently. I most of the time enjoy my work but like any other position, there are issues: 1) Idiots that you need to tolerate 2) Idiots whom you need to train 3) Idiots who insist on their idiocy ... and other idiots! Many companies have now made a long lunch break as part of their schedule. So a whole hour is a waste, for me. Many go to local businesses or home and some have their lunches at work. I, most of the time, work. Without caring that it is unpaid. I think the company appreciates it but there are times that you do not work alone. There are many times that you do not work alone and you need to work with others. It cannot happen during that 1 specific hour. I also am too far from work and not only waste a lot of time on the road but also pay a lot for gasoline and it's particularly really bad now that the it has gone up to ¢158.9 for a litter.  
But there are parts of the job that I certainly enjoy. I certainly don't show that, most of the time, because that is base on other people's silly mistake and I, most of the time, rub it to their faces but that is part of my job: Find other people's fault and ask them to fix it. At times I become a mediator: A fault is found by a party and known to me, I do the paperwork part of the work and notify the person who has made the mistake. There are times that the guilty(!) party opposes to that and argument starts. I have to listen to the both sides, either when they both are present or individually. The latter is the most enjoyable! I take the person's side when I'm listening to him and criticize the one who has started the complain. When this is over and I am listening to the guilty fella, I show my sympathy and indicate how insignificance the problem is, emphatically! I am firm though and I try my best to get what I want and that is doing the right thing. 
The guy whom I report to is a careless and calm guy. At least this is what I've noticed about him so far. He in fact the cause of the majority of the issues. If you do not care and you're on the top, then what can you expect from the others, especially the young ones who form most of the company? 
I am going to stick around and watch my back until I either am called by the Government or find something better, both in terms of salary and working conditions and if I have to stay, then my goal is to leave in four or five years and preferably find a job south of the border. I don't think it's impossible. 
(Photo: I didn't have any photograph to put here to be considered related to the post do I decided to sue this picture that I took, I think, a couple of weeks ago, when I was leaving a Real Canadian Superasshole location. Mobil, an American petroleum company, has been active in that supermarket's parking lots for years and has, usually, the highest gasoline price in the province. I have never bought my fuel from this gas station and never will. Not that anyone cares)

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