Friday, February 14

Great Acting, horrible Movie: Licorice Pizza

I had a chance to watch Licorice Pizza a couple of days ago and it was a struggle! I switched between the movie and YouTube frequently! It was a great performance by the main characters but the story is so boring and stupid that you would leave the theatre if you had gone to see it in a cinema! 
This is a movie from 2021 and most might have seen it but if you haven't, don't! I'm not going to spoilt it here but just to mention a few thing is that it's a series of completely isolated events mixed by a few well-known historical occurrences, if I may say, in the early 70's including the Oil Embargo led by Saudis and some other insignificant tales(!) mixed up with a romantic relationship between a teenage boy and a woman in her late 20's! 
King Faisal of Saudi Arabia who orchestrated the embargo, on the left. He was later assassinated! but one might ask why this even was in the movie?! I mean there is no mentioning of this fella but the crisis is and the story could go without it!
Both Alana Haim and Cooper (not Copper!) Hoffman, the son of the addicted actor who took his own life a few years ago, have great performances but it does not help, particularly when you see two veteran actors who each have a 15-minute appearance! I'm sure they all get a good salary for their work but at the end neither the audience nor the producer is happy. The funny thing is the movie throws a couple of religious things in the story, for no apparent reason and does not go anywhere! Thanks to heavens that it was released way before this Israeli-Hamas conflict as this was about how Jewism was about! 
(Photo, top: Haim, left and her two sisters in the premier of Barbie. I didn't even know that they were in that movie, not that I have watched it but considering all the dance and girl scenes, it makes sense!) 

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