Saturday, February 22

Until the Cows Come Home

This post is in no way a complaint or criticism toward the Government for its hiring system, because I understand how it works. I wanted to clarify that before posting. I might criticize the government at time but not for the way they recruit, if I can use this term. With that said, I applied for a Government position in March of 2022, nearly three years ago. I received an e-mail, probably the third regarding that position, asking whether I still was interested or not. In previous cases, even when I received the e-mail while employed, I said I was interested although the salary is lower than what I used to get. Of course I said I was still interested, this time! 
The interesting thing, although I understand how the hiring system for this specific position works, is that the message said I might receive this message every three to four months! I've already written one big exam and attended one interview. Passed them both. I've waited for three years. I can wait longer. No problem. What other choice do I have?! I've already missed at least three Government jobs. Perhaps this one works for me. 
(Photo: I took this picture of a couple of cows, if you can see the second[!] in Bob Creek Wildland in southern Alberta in 2022, not sure before or after applying for this position, for no apparent reason! This was amongst the the sixth unsuccessful attempts to reach Thrift Peak! Maybe this year, if life goes back to normal, or next year, I finally can make it to the damn summit!)

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