Thursday, February 20

The First Interview of 2025

I had my first interview of the year today. I had applied for something way lower than my previous position simply because I'm a loser! What do I mean by saying that I'm a loser? There're different kinds! I explain to you: I live by myself. So if anything happens, I have no support. Neither emotionally, nor financially. So I have to get the first job available, as soon as possible. Staying home all day long, particularly in the cold winter of Alberta where the temperature could reach -25 ℃ (-13 ℉) and stays there for more than a week, even longer, it's not healthy. Add to that: Alone. So I applied for this job. I left home nearly one hour before the start of the interview while the GPS indicated I'd be there within 32 min. I reached there 10 minutes before! I guess I was lucky as the traffic was bad and it was not early morning! I had stress all the way to the place. Not because of the interview. Because I was afraid I might be late and there's nothing worse than reaching your interview late and I have done it once!
My first impression was that I'm going to have a much more serious interview in comparison with the last one. The fact that the position is for a shift that many would not want to work, I'm sure, had helped me to get the interview but I don't care about the odd shifts. In fact I love to start late to avoid traffic. Besides, that gives me the opportunity to use all sorts of pranks that I'd love to pull! 
I can't say the interview went well or not but I can say that there was only one thing that I said I didn't know how to do and that was an honest answer. They never asked the usual questions such as:
1) Why did you leave your last position? 
2) How much is your expecting salary?
3) What do you know about our company?
The first one was answered automatically during the interview and the second and third ones were not even mentioned! I guess they were mostly looking for someone who is willing and ready to help them in the second shift and in a harsh environment. 
With all that said, I'd like to add that if you have a good supporting and loving family, relatives and friends, don't do what I have to do. Don't degrade yourself because all you have built would be ruined and you need to start over. You also might get into issues with your new colleagues, being new and having to take instructions! I was a person who provided instruction to two persons directly and many more indirectly. They had to do what I would tell them. Now I'm going to be in a new environment and taking instructions for people, who some might be less educated, trained and experienced than me but I have no other alternatives. 
(Photo: No! I'm not a healthcare professional and no! my shift would not be until 03:00 AM but that's the closest picture I could find!)

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