The most important thing that happens to you, when you're out of work is the mental affect, no doubt, especially if you're a gigantic loser like me who lives alone! If you have a family, I'll be different. I remember this Pakistani guy who worked for the same company that I worked, nearly 10 years ago. He somehow got my phone number and called for a meeting. We met in a McDonald's (to be exact, the one at Barlow Tr. and 32nd Ave., NE) and in there he practically was begging me to get him a job!
I was working for a distribution center as a warehouse worker at the time and I told him I could not do anything but I knew that he was receiving EI, his wife was working a job and the government was paying Child Support for his three kids! You then should just slow it down and wait for a right job to come to you not like me who grabs the first opportunity that he gets simply because staying at home would drive him crazy!
I don't know what he does now as the story goes back 6 years ago. We talked only once or twice after that and I have changed my number at least three time since that time!
When you're unemployed all you do is going through the job websites and apply. Then wait for the phone to ring. There's nothing else that you can do unless you have a business mind and start something. One of my buddies from Gujarat opened a Hamburger joint, I think in two or three locations and he's doing fine. he's done that with a couple of his friends. This decision is mainly because that's what these people do: Generate money more than you spend! Way more! Another reason for that was because he once had been laid off and despite having all his family here, it was very hard on him, particularly because they told him he was overqualified (he has a Masters)! The same assholes hired him later, perhaps, this time because it did not matter that he was overqualified! Now he's in a better shape: Earning money from a successful business while employed.
With all that said, this is what I've been doing lately: looking for jobs, sending the damn resumes and waiting for calls. That's why when I received a call this morning, I was curious to see who it was. Am I going to be invited for an interview?
Unfortunately not! It was from Service Canada! They asked a few questions in regards to my claim! Yes! The Employment Insurance system has changed a lot since the last time I had to file for that but looks like that I'm eligible! It was kind of disappointing but at least I will get some money. The thing is it won't be earlier than the next week, which means three weeks after the last day I worked. That's what it looks like but I will see.
(Photo: Waiting for a long time, especially for someone to call you to be interviewed, could be devastating to mental health!)
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