Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Robert, the Jamaican guy dropped me at the corner of 44th St. and 19th Ave. SE, today and while I was walking home in just a few sec. a Caucasian big guy wearing a pair of sunglasses in a Ford Taurus said: Hi Carlos! I thought he and the other guy, behind the wheel are teasing me so didn't stop and kept walking and also said: I'm not Carlos. The guy said something else like how are you doin' Carlos and I answered back: you are Carlos, this time! I was just steps away from the car when the guy came out and said: Excuse me, this is Police! I got shocked and turned back and said: I'm sorry. No one have ever talked to me like this. He also showed me his badge. I told him that I'm not Carlos and asked whether or not he needs a proof. He asked for it and I showed my licence and told him: I thought you are looking for Carlos, the terrorist in the 70s! The guy took a look at my ID and apologized. I still don't know whether or not they were really cops or not but that was something really exciting. But let me tell you about Carlos:
Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, commonly known as Carlos the Jackal, a 1969 graduate of Moscow's Patrice Lamumba University, has been tied to "Communist revolutionary movements" since he became a 14-year-old member of the Communist Party in Venezuela. His father, a wealthy Venezuelan Communist Party leader, was so dedicated to Leninist/Marxist theory and practice that he named his three sons Vladimir, Ilich, and Lenin. In his teens, Carlos was allegedly given guerrilla training in Cuba. By the age of twenty, he reportedly had moved to Jordan and was being trained in weapons and explosive usage by members of the PFLP commando (I really have no idea what that stands for). Shortly thereafter, he began what has turned out to be an infamous career as an international "pay for hire" terrorist.
Although some intelligence reports link "Carlos" to the 1972 massacre of eleven Israeli athletes in Germany, most counter-terrorist analysts suspect that the Olympic massacre was master-minded by the Black September organization and Abu Nidal. It is more likely that in 1971 and early 1972, "Carlos" was fighting and learning combat tactics in a guerrilla war against King Hussein, in Jordan. It is also possible that "The Jackal" had begun acting as an intelligence agent or informer for the KGB.
By 1973, however, his terror activities had begun in earnest. He has publicly admitted to his 1973 assassination attempt on a British Millionaire named Edward Sieff, who was a well-known Jewish businessman and owner of the Marks & Spencer stores in London. Within the next two years, he was believed involved in the takeover of the French Embassy at the Hague, the killing of the two French Intelligence agents for which he has been recently captured, and a 1976 takeover/kidnapping of OPEC oil ministers in Vienna. Later in 1976, he was involved in a skyjacking, that led to the now famous Entebbe raid by Israeli commandos.
If I wanna write about him, I'll need hours and hours. I can go to web news and books and magazines but think that's all I compact according to what I've read about him so far. He was finally arrested in Oct.10.94 and sentenced to life imprisonment in Dec.23.97.
(Photo: Carlos in 70s [left] and after his arrest in 94. He's been in jail in Paris since)

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