Tuesday, July 19

New Calgary Police Office

There is barely a week that we do not see a police vehicle in our neighborhood. It's one specific building that looks like has problems. F. F. has a good suggestion: Calgary Police Service should open a new office in our neighbourhood! In that case they don't have to send officers to the building. They would just walk out, take a few steps, get in and talk the guys down!
(Photo: A police van is parked(!) in the neighbourhood. The officers are investigating. Not to mention the idling!)


Anonymous said...

Are you a turkısh çıtızen? I lıked to emıgratıon to Canada and be sucessfull lıke yourself can you havıng some suggests from me? have you been to turkey? I can help you to do busınes wıth us, Nurrdın Murat

The Tough Guy said...

No! I am not Turkish and I have not been to Turkey and I am not succesfull! Life is very hard here these days in Canada but if you want to immigrate you can simply go to embassy of Canada webpage and get all information you want. I will also answer every question you have. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Thanks you for the ınformatıon. I lıked to come to CANADA but ıt dıffıcult. you are seem a nıce guy. I am have some questıon about CANADA and need to talk you. how ı can contact you? Nurrdın Murat

The Tough Guy said...

Contact me at jacob_laue@yahoo.co.uk