Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Signs of Dementia

I had recently this problem that almost every morning when I was leaving for work, after driving out, I was not sure whether I had locked the door or not! It was other things too: Forgetting the phone or other essentials. I even lost things that I haven't been able to find them yet and don't think will be able to. I lost an USB Drive with lost of valuable information and also my phone's earpiece. 
But something happened recently that I think I knew why those things happened: Stress and lack of sleep are two main contributions to forgetfulness which could be the first step of Dementia. It's not an expert's opinion. It's based on my personal experience but I will have to confirm with a physician. 
One of the things that I thought I had left somewhere or had lost it was my Bridge Cam Gauge. The last time I had it I had difficulty taking it out of its case! I struggled with it for a few minutes until I took it out and then I decided not to put it back. Then that was it. When I decided to use it for a little practice yesterday, I was not able to find it but not being under the stress of work and not being so physically and mentally tired, I started thinking. I remembered I had it in the same place that I had my Casio calculator and I had looked for it everywhere! I had gone through a plastic bag with lots of stuff in it and I had not seen the gauge but when I went to the bag again, I saw the calculator which I had not noticed the first time and knowing the gauge was next to it, then I dag more and there it was!
I'm glad that I found it because despite the fact that I do not use it regularly (I don't use it at all!), I, for a second, thought of buying another one. I have this sense of satisfaction that by analyzing the problem and understanding what the cause of that had been, I was able to resolve it, not that it's a great accomplishment or something! 
(Photo: My Bridge Cam Gauge was given to me by a former colleague a few years ago)

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