Friday, June 30, 2023

E. I. or L. S. (Life Support)!?

I filed my first E. I. report today. It's been years since I've filed an E. I. report. I don't recall how long it would take to have the money in my account. The damn thing is I just had to pay for my car insurance. I have some credit card debt accumulated as well but that's every month. 
The fact is life on E. I. is similar to being alive by a Life Support machine! You can't move much, you eat a little through a tube just to be alive because you aren't able to eat! 
If you I think this is the 3rd time that I have requested E. I. benefits. The first time was 2006 and I was totally clueless. It resulted me ending up in British Columbia. I was laid off one time there as well and I think it was 2009 but found a job within such a short time that I didn't even bother starting the process.
Going back to Alberta resulted in nearly 5 years of easy and well-paid job but instead of building a structure, I carelessly spent. I should not disregard the role The Lady in this scenario! She was playing along while spending everything she earned. He plan was, I was notified later, to move back to British Columbia because she hated the wicked cold of the province and eventually did. While it doesn't have to do anything with the story of Life Support (E. I.!), I got laid of sometime in late 2015 (which its stories all have been told) and went to a deep shock. It was very hard for me back then although I had my wife beside me but she was no support. She was too focused on her moving plan which eventually was executed. That was one I moved back with my family. It was hard on us, particularly because I made a few more mistakes! 
Now I'm on the same boat! Attached to a Life Support machine! No visitors! Not much nutritious meal! Not Perhaps I shall say not much meal at all. I have reduced my intake(!) significantly and gasoline is being saved because I don't go to work! Bills keep coming and I'm determined to get a good job until the time I have to get whatever comes to me.
(Photo: I'm laying down and connected to the life support machine. Unfortunately no one is monitoring my situation closely but me!)

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