Sunday, June 23, 2024

Inflations and Groceries


You've probably heard all these discussions about how high inflation is and how the giant grocery chains are benefiting and no one can stop them. They were posting pictures of a product from The Real Canadian Superasshole and would compare it to, say, Dollarama! You see this is called a G7 nation, one of the seven wealthy industrialized countries in the world and there're more discount grocery store here than Bangladesh and Liberia! Stop fooling yourselves fellas. You're nowhere near G2? The country that the majority of its population goes to fast food places for a $5 sandwich and purchases Killed In Action east Asian made cars, what does have to do with a wealthy Industrialized nation?! 
The funny thing is some of them tries to show some action. So they go to these so-called social medias and request boycott?! What a joke! They wanted to prevent people from buying groceries from The Real Canadian Superasshole?! The fact is there's no certain groceries these days that you could say they are responsible for the overpriced food. I go to three different places and at times I see some places are cheaper than the one which always has been considered cheap or reasonable. I think the main reason why people are angry with the Superasshole is that the chain were always considered cheaper than Safeway and now seems like they have realized that they also could benefit from overpricing and they do so! But why not going after Wal-Mart or Costco. I have no membership for the latter but if you don't like the prices of the Superassholes, go to Wal-Mart. They're usually cheaper and that's because, number one, they buy in bigger numbers from producers and number two, the majority of the brands and products they carry, has lower quality. Boycotting doesn't work, particularly when it's not well-organized and orchestrated by a guy who all of a sudden has realized that he doesn't have enough money to get his bag of Chips and bottle of Coke while getting his weed! You're never going to achieve anything! I'm not with giant multi-million dollar grocery chain companies. I just have reduced my consumption and have changed my eating habits slightly to adjust myself to the new prices which would never go back down again! For example I haven't purchased any Beef since January. I can easily live without that but can a Canadian? I have limited my meat intake to once or in very rare cases, twice a week. Can you live like that? I don't buy bags of Potato Chips and bottles of Coke. I don't buy Ice Creams or Liquorish! I don't have to buy artificially grown Strawberries! They're the worst! 
The other thing here is you can say to a company how to price what they sell, even if their role in the existence of that product is buying, storing and then reselling it. You can't tell Mercedes Benz why they're not pricing their vehicle the same as Ford's? It might not be exactly the same process but it's a private company and they have the right to price what they're selling the way they want. People either buy or don't. Do you have any idea how much products of different kind these grocery stores dump every month? Who do you think shall pay for all the rotten and molded products? That's how they balance their books. You also need to consider the worker wages which has gone up recently, maintenance, logistics, office staff salaries, you name it. So suck it up guys. Perhaps you can come up with another way to resolve this issue for yourself and many others. 
(Photo: I've seen at times people avenge grocery stores in this way! They get somethin, like a meat and leave it on a shelf to go bad! This one, looks like processed meat like Pastrami or something. They actually decided not to spoil it but the stores usually dump it because it is considered touched. Once a few months ago I was in a coffee shop and ordered a Chicken Sub and the girl made me a Chicken Sandwich She was about to wrap it and preserve it. I don't know who would order it but I asked it back. Smaller business like that are different)

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