Saturday, June 08, 2024

The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane

 I rarely write here these days mainly because there's no much going on and I'm lazy and most of the time tired, mentally and physically but I would like to keep this 20-year notes alive. For that I'm going to write about a very good movie that I've recently watched.
People who lived the 90's never forget The Silence of The Lambs, one of the best movies of that decade and perhaps one of the best of all times. The movie won 5 OSCARS and despite the fact that I believe an OSCARS does not always indicate the movie is a good one, I truly believe that every single one given was worth it. I watched it on VHS(!) shortly after it came out in the old country and barely understood anything! For the ones who might wonder why I did not go to a movie theater to watch it, let me explain to you why. You might find it interesting: The culture of the country was immensely affected after the so-called Islamic Revolution in 1979, in so many different ways. To name praising Western culture. I don't want to go to too much details because it would be boring and hard to understand but in short, American movies were not shown in theaters and television, generally, although they were always exemptions. To name Dances with Wolves, Capricorn 7 and Southern Comfort were all shown. The first one in movie theater, indicating it was made in England(!) and some parts were cut. I don't know much about the second one as that is not a good movie, anyway and the last one was shown under a new title(!) and a completely different story! I've written about itabout it
Going back to that movie, the book which the movie is based on, was published, illegally of course, as well(!) and people read it which helped them to understand the story, assuming the translation was good! Not me! I didn't read it. Years after when I came to Canada, I got the movie and enjoyed it. 
Antony Hopkins' and Jodi Foster's performance was extraordinarily superb in that well-deserved award movie. Some, however, believe Foster's performance in Taxi Driver was very good. No way. She was alright but because the movie had De Niro and Martin S., it gets praised a lot.
I, strongly believe that Foster was amazing in The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane. So are the other actors but since it's a sad movie, that's probably why, many do not find it interesting to watch but I highly recommend it unless you're too sensitive! 
(Photo: Foster in the final minutes of the movie. She has stated that she had to wear that wig but it doesn't deduct any score from her beauty!)

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