Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wasting Water Like everything else

The Chef
lived in this rundown apartment building in Bridgeland for a few years. It's a building on a main busy road. So, in summer you have not much chance of a good sleep because of the road traffic. The main Calgary homeless shelter, called D. I. (short for Drop-in!) is nearby. So, you have the pleasure of being visited by a drunkard, a drug-addict or if you're lucky enough, a double-feature, once in a while! I remember once I was there visiting him and were going to leave. We went to the underground parking which has access from the street without a gate or door. We saw fresh business(!) at a wall, just next to the car! 
But why this story comes to mind now is because I visited him a few times in a row years ago and I heard a stream of water from inside the apartment! When I asked him what it was, he took me to the bathroom and showed me the faucet in the tube. Water was flowing to the drain like Niagara Falls! It was not only the few minutes I was there or the day before or after. It was like that for weeks, if not more than a month! I don't know exactly. This shows how full of shit this laying bastards of The City of Calgary are! Just a bunch of greedy, nasty assholes who think of nothing but their paycheques, their year-end-bonus and what the next lie is that they can sell to the public! All of them, from the top to the bottom. How is it that the so-called one of the most livable cities in the world(!!) has no monitoring system to realize that water is excessively being used and wasted for days! Is is not because they're incompetent and ignorant lairs? I have no doubt that is the reason. 
(Photo: Consolidation Bridge over Bow River provides the people of Bridgeland and other nearby neighbourhoods to access to Calgary D. I. What a great privilege)

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