Friday, June 14, 2024

The Consultant

Something really interesting happened today that I can't refrain from writing although it's a short story. I hope you find it interesting as much as I did. The company I've been working for has decided to purse a certificate to boot the business and be able to enter a bigger market. I suggest to do that internally but I was told that we shall use a consulting company. Fair enough. I did a little search and was able to find a few companies. Three of them eventually replied. The second one is the subject of this story. 
First of all, he said that he would only be available at a specific time of the day! That was the first sign. If someone wants to hire me, I wouldn't make rules regarding the time that an interview shall take place! First Warning! The time comes and I join my colleague who is supposed to call the guy. He picks up and he sounds an old fella, which is fine. He asks a few questions and says he's taking notes. Fine. Then it comes to introducing himself. He offered that. Not that any of us asked it. He started from the time he was in the damn kindergarten to the current Stanley Cup finals! He was going on and on to the point that my colleague looked at me and he was going to say: Who the hell is this idiot?! Then he started looking at his screen and tries to use his time for something positive and I start making some notes about the things I'm trying not to forget to do! At this point he's at his conditions stage. He says how he works and how he charges. And then he says that he adds the cost of gasoline and mileage (either one! I don't know how it work!) and he charges for lunch and breakfast! 
This is the climax of the story(!) and makes my colleague to jump into cut him off! I wanted to do that but I thought he would call me rude but we made him stop after that! I was happy that I had the same perception as my colleague because he said that the guy just crossed himself from the list of candidates! 
(Photo: Fans of Edmonton Oilers were very hopeful after their team Beat Dallas Stars and stepped into the Stanley Cup Finals after 18 years but their dreams were ruined after their team lost the first three games. I followed the Oilers back in 2006 when they were battling against the Hurricanes and I liked their goalie, Dwayne Roloson, a lot. These days I neither have a TV set nor the cable to watch. Not to mention the mode for a good game or anything for that matter! I just work!)

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