Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Fornicator

 Fornication is defined as sexual relationship between two unmarried individuals. This is the story of a colleague who has been working for the company for nearly 20 years and now his wife works there as well. No further explanation is required! This is usually the case, especially in small towns and private companies. A short while back I realized there's a young employee in another department with the same family name as his and it was obvious to me that he was his relative. Either his son, young brother or his brother's son. They are not look alike. So my perception was that he looks like his Mom. There was a question for me: Why do they not ever talk to each other. Or at least I have not seen it even once. Then I told myself that they have enough time together at home, if he is his son! Then something else hit me and that was the time that his wife started or I shall say restarted in the company: The boy did not look like his presumably Mom either! I didn't pay much attention until a few days later when I had to go to his work station and it was there when I saw an old picture of the guy with his Dad, probably from the time that he was only 3 or in that age range! That was when I realized that he was his son from another woman who longer is with him! It's not that I was surprised much or anything like that as I had come across something like that but it was interesting after every bit of puzzle is put together. When I work as a Bylaw Officer in a town of British Columbia, I had a fella colleague who had just been married. He had moved from northern Alberta and told me that he had an 18-year-old daughter from an early relationship! Perhaps that was why he had left the little town! Legally there is no problem with something like that in Canada as long as the guy pays for the child, I think and I believe that is until the mother gets married. This is how they have fixed the issue, if we can call it an issue in the old country: Men can have up to 4 wives and have to support them. So, this is for the people who can. Or perhaps I shall say it was like this. These days people can barely afford one wife. So fornication is more common but hidden. I remember I was involved with this horny girl who just had divorced and was looking for someone to cheer her up as well as fill her in! I was quite successful but not so much in the second part, as usual! 
(Photo: I think this picture just wants to point out that fornication is mechanical and emotionless)

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