Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Pisser

They say not is certain but uncertainty. That's one of the common sayings in North America. When there's uncertainty, people's spending habits, majority of people's spending habits, I should say, changes. Now it's mostly sellers market, if you have money. You have to pay over the asking price or the MSRP to get what you like. An example of that is getting my deposit back. I just walked right in and no questions asked! These people, in certain dealerships, have so many customers that they don't even look at you! 
Housing and renting market is even worse. It was a wise decision to by a property during the pandemic. That's what I did. There were so many properties and not many buyers. Quiet. Easy. No after 3.5 the price of the damn place has gone up nearly $150,000! Who would have thought that? 
The uncertainty has kept me back from buying a vehicle despite the fact that I have a job that it's okay and seems secure but you never know. It's the commute which bothers me. It's long, tiring, costs a lot and has a toll on the old car but if I'm moving close to the work to avoid the commute and I think I shall use that extra $150,000 and buy a place. So how can I buy a car? Financing? It'd not be a very good idea with 6.9% interest rate or similar for a good vehicle. At the same time it's not really comfortable and at times, not even safe, to drive this old car. Drivers gets pissed off and give me dirty looks on the highway, even though they have the other lane to them. Truck drivers are worse. If you've driven a truck, you know what I'm saying. This is what my buddy told me a few years ago when we were coming back from Bugaboo. Trucks usually have as many as 12 gears to give them enough power to get their loads. When they're cruising on a highway, it'd be extremely annoying and uncomfortable to change their speed significantly because that might require them to go from gear 10, for example to gear 3. That's why they don't like a sudden change in their speed. If you're in lane 1 and they see you're driving slow and they have enough time to slow down or speed up to change their lane, it'd be no issue but if lane 2 is busy and they need to slow down to change the lane, that becomes a disaster! This rarely happens but if happens that's not a very desirable situation for the driver and despite the fact that they know they have the other lane to themselves and they need to keep a safe distance to be able to change the lane, they get pissed off and use their high beam. One driver, for a well known company, which I don't recall know, was really annoyed a few days ago and honked! In the middle of the highway! And then when he got the chance to catch up with me and pass, kept honking and left me in his dust! I tried to get close to him and I think he was mad enough to change the lane to block me but I let it go as I'm not a a road ragger! I saw him pulling into a resting area a few kilometers down the road! I ignored him and passed. This shows what kind of a person he was. If you're going to take a break in a few kilometers from where you're in hurry, why don't you simply slow down and calm yourself down?
(Photo: I was not trying to get this guy's plate number or any other information of his truck. Just wanted to record him as he has been the only one who ever used his honk on a major highway, I think!)

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