Wednesday, August 10

NHL News

1- The new NHL season will begin Wed. Oct.05 and I will catch at least a game in Saddledome in this season for sure (It all depends on my financial situation. I'm drowning in debt now!) CBC will cover part of the games in Hockey Night in Canada of course but watching a game as an audience and taking a few photos is a different fun.

2- Tod Bertuzzi the NHLer of Vancouver Canucks who broke Colorado guy's neck, Moore, last season and was suspended for the rest of the games is allowed to get back to the games. Moore's lawyer announced that he is very disappointed by NHL's decision and he's still suffering from the pain and is not able to play.

3- There will be a quite amount of changes in the regulations this season while the number of the games have been decreased significantly as a result of the long-term lock-out. (The normal regular season comprises 82 games for each team)

4- Wayne Gretzky officially joined Phoenix Coyotes as the head coach!

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