Sunday, November 23

The Worst Place on Earth

Moving to Brit"shit" Columbia (B. C.) has probably been the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life. B. C. is for sure the most hatred province of Canada in my view. It’s a nice place to see, for vacation but the most stupid place to live. There’re just not jobs but the filthy surviving ones, mostly: Cashier, security guard, waiter, waitress, labourer, driver and so on. And how much do you really think you make?
It’s said anything less than $16.75 (or so) is considered below line of poverty. The other guys have not better life than that; Looks at the higher-paid jobs: firefighters, cops, nurses and other service sector employees. They work long shifts and have to deal with different kind of mentally and physically sick people and face every different type of hazard every day of their life. Firefighters’ shift is 4 days of 12 hours a week! Nearly all of the nurses I’ve seen here are addicted to nicotine or other substances. I don’t know what percentage but a large number of police officers are alcoholic. It was just less than two weeks ago when a drunk RCMP officer killed someone in a car accident.
Obviously the same problems exist for the same jobs in the other provinces but what makes this province different is its fucking disgusting weather. It’s hot in summer and it’s pissing on you all the fall and winter. So if you really are thinking of goin’ to Canada, just forget the worst place on earth. I’m moving out next year, goin’ back to Alberta. So whatever bad happens in Brit”shit” Columbia, makes me happy ‘cause I hate this place with all my heart and mind. Vancouver Canucks, their only professional hockey team is the one I hate the most in the entire league. Their lost their fucking net minder last night as a result of injury and it’s known when he will be able to come back. That made me happy a lot. Fuck Brit”shit” Columbia, the most stupid place on earth.
(Photo: The asshole, the shithead goalie of Canucks is fucked up so bad and hopefully will miss so many games and the representatives of Brit"shit" Columbia lose all the games during his absence and most of them after that)

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