Monday, September 21

Foreclosure House

My new colleague is an American-Chinese-Vietnamese(!) fellow from San Fransisco, a former SFPD constable. He's here because he's recently married and his wife lives here with her family. I never knew someone who had a well-paid job down the States, leaving it just for a woman but love happens. He says that his pay-stub used to be as much as $6000 every two weeks(!) I wonder why he quit that job. He says the job is too stressful and talks about 20 hours straight shift, chasing suspects down the road or running after them, going to suicide scenes where someone chopped off his own head using a chainsaw.
" I bought a big foreclosure house for $250,000 by putting down just $15,000. The house originally worth about $1,000,000 and could be sold as much as $400,000 because of the slight recovery" he said. " It's rented out for $1,700 a months now" he added. He receives a total of $1,500 every month as his pension for the next 10 years. I still don't understand why he's here. How would someone who lived like that, works a security guard in a commercial building? That's what he used to do back in Aug.? He's trying to go back to policing business but he says that he has to stay in Canada for three years before they let him do that. That's again odd. I know British police officers who came to Calgary 3 or 4 years ago and all CPS asked them was to do POPAT. Other qualification exams of course will be performed but I don't think they had to stay until they get their citizenship. He said: We train Canadian police but he had no idea what POPAT is! That all lead me to not believe whatever he says. He's a nice guy after all! That's what is important.

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