Wednesday, September 30

Sep., A Better Month

Sep. is over and so does my Cooper Test practice for this month. This month witnessed a better month compared to the previous one for two reasons:
1- I practiced outside, not on a track
2- The number of exercises was increased to 10.
At the same time this practice had a disadvantage. That's not knowing the length of every lap of the track! I assume it's 200 m. but I can't be sure. For this reason this month's chart is depicted based on the number of the lap that I approximately ran in 12 min. which is actually the optimum time that 1.5 mile should be done. It can be seen easily that the chart could be turned to a real one by just knowing the distance I ran in every lap.
One problem I had was having a sore knee. J. H., whom I introduced earlier told me to use a sole. I got one from London Drugs and worked well but in no way helped me run much faster. Now Oct. is coming and I guess I'm going inside again. furthermore I have to start my work out.
(Photo: Linear chart of month of Sep. based on Day-Lap concept)


Persian 2 English said...

If you feel that are good in translating Persian to English (and your weblog shows that!) feel free to join us.

The Tough Guy said...

Do you think I might be able to help you in any way? Don't get offended but I have no interest in politics of that kind and as you see this blog shows what you might see at this side of the globe, it's mostly personal as I like to write what I see and do but it's also useful for some people, I have been told.