Thursday, May 13

Over And Over Again

Have you heard that song Over And Over Again? Well that's the story of my life: Screwed over and over again over job applications!
I applied for a position with this motherfucker, animal rednecks in fucking filthy Brit"SHIT" Columbia in Apr. of 2009, more than a year ago and sent them all the fucking documents they wanted, several times through registered mail and spent lots of money. Eventually after one whole year this piece of crap requested the same documents plus a bunch more. So I sent them to him/her again and told him/her the rest were on the way because they should be evaluated.
So just one day after I filled out the fucking forms, signed for over $200 charge and sent it to the assholes, I received a letter from the Recruiting Manager stating that he had found other candidate better qualified than me and I was no longer considered a potential employee!
I was goin' to e-mail that motherfucker file manager of mine, the bulldog to ask him what was goin' on but then decided not to because I know these guys are so fucked up. One says something and the other says another thing! I'm just goin' to wait for the result and will mail it to him. But just wanted to mention how big of assholes these guys are. And these are the guys with big salaries in this fucked up province. Fuck all these motherfucker, irresponsible, rednecks.

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