Saturday, May 15

Vancouver Aquarium

We finally paid a visit to Vancouver Aquarium yesterday, starting form 11:00 something. I was not very impressed. Was good though. Saw lots of things that probably can't be seen anywhere else. I don't get impressed actually these days anymore. Mostly kids and elderly people were browsing. The funny thing is we had to pay $22 each plus a $10 for parking and they still were asking for donation! I believe that it's very expensive to keep the aquarium up and running but they mostly use young guys and volunteers and they probably receive government funds as well. They can simply include that donation in to cost of the tickets. They don't have to humiliate people. Or if they really think that the Aquarium is not profitable they can let all the animals go. They shouldn't be worried about donation and everything else then. That's bad management. You consider a family of four probably spends $100 to $150 at least in a visit which is not bad and although it was Fri. there were lots of visitors. Some people spend even more. I don't know about the rainy and cold season though. Anyways it'll be a good experience. It's recommended but don't get too excited!
(Photo: Otters look like beavers, or at least they looked like beavers to me when I saw them but they are different. They swim on the back and are popular because of the way they play in water)

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