Monday, August 17

Damn Fitbit Flex

I finally had to pay for Fitbit wristbands. Something around $30 or a little bit more. I bought a pack of three from SportChek. The original two wristbands both got ripped off after a short time. The first one, which was a large size and fitted me, after probably 6 months and the second one lasted even less than that because obviously it was small for me. I used tape to hold it together(!) until one day it was about to fall off my wrist on a hiking trip and that was then I decided to buy this new pack.
The pack of three comes in three delicious(!) colours but the locking piece is made of very brittle plastic and it broke shortly after I bought the damn thing! I could not believe this but I was lucky that I had kept the one from the original wristband. 
Now that I've been given a new tracking device I feel that it's not working properly. I feel that it shows more activity than what I actually I perform but what the hell!? It's working now and the annoying part is it requires frequent charging, maybe every three days or so! 

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