Saturday, 24 December 2005

490 is Failed As Well!

I received CQE exam. result yesterday (I mean the day before because it's 12:19 AM now!) by mail and I f**king failed as I was informed by e-mail. I got 490 out of 550 which is the passing score and that's 30 points more than what I had the first time I wrote it but the distribution is different. Now I know what to do to pass the exam:
I should focus on quantitative methods and particularly DOE. It has been an issue for me since I was working for SAIPA. When I was there, I had enough free time so most of the free time would have spent on studying English or other favorite subjects, mostly IE, QA and QC and politics. Once I tried to start DOE but didn't find any good reference and I promised me to find something when I'm in Canada. In SAIT I had a DOE course but the damn instructor (with a big belly!) was not good at all and I not only learnt nothing but also passed it with the skin of my teeth! ...Well not really bad. Then there was the first exam. and I didn't get anything and I failed but not because of that only and then this one!


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