Friday, August 29

Too Tired

I’m really exhausted that can't write but at the same time want to keep this weblog up because that’s what have been happening to me in the last five years. I’m tired both physically and emotionally because I didn’t sleep enough last night. S. J. came a bit late and brought me two slices of Pizza and I had them while I had already my dinner. So that didn't let me sleep up to I don’t know when. And I’m tired in my mind because this long fucking struggle with job-hunting is not over yet. But I overcome that off and on and then I go back to that fucking disappointing mood again.
I called the screening lady of McElhanney and asked her about my candidacy, she told me that she would either e-mail me or call me after he talks to Jeff, the interviewer. That result was shit: after 2 month of waiting, being screened and interviewed, I’m not longer a candidate!
Then there was those shit exams of BST1 and BST2 (Bullshit Test 1 and 2!) and only 1 out of 4 people who are going to be a certain employee passed the first one and he got 75 which is the minimum mark. I got the worst: 66! Brian and Wayne both failed the first one but with higher marks and we all passed the second one. That made Brian, the 73-year-old to quit and I and Wayne have to write the fucking exam this Tue. again!
Then there was the e-mail from CBSA indicating that I have to write a 4.5 hour exam in Sep.05 to be considered for the next steps. But wait the disaster is not over yet: I’m booked for both medical exam and interview with CF in Sep.16! When I got there in their office in W. Georgia there was a very beautiful girl at the receptions who booked me: Corp. Hejazi, an Iranian originally but you wouldn’t think of her ethnicity at all.
So that’s all for today. I have to study the next three days while going to gym and do the other chores, write the damn exam in Tue. and go to White Rock in the morning of Wed.
And the last but not the least: Ali G. is coming to B. C. to his family in White Rock this weekend. He told me that he already had handed my resume to the Engineering Manager of the company he works for and hopes to get an answer when he goes back. That's good news too but which one will be my career for the rest of life eventually?

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