Sunday, September 27

(Tried to go to!) Three Isle Lake

This past Fri. I had doubts whether I would go hiking or not. I was so tired emotionally and physically, which was the result of the first one of course, the entire week. For that reason I didn't prepare any plan but packed my stuff just shortly before going to bed. Then I set my alarm for 05:00 and slept. I felt I was behind my regular exercise hours on Fitbit list of my community!
I woke up shortly before the alarm goes off in Sat. morning and remained in the bed. Then I convinced myself to get out and did. My stuff was ready but my mind was not! I sat in the living room for 5 minutes maybe and then headed down. I got myself on Highway # 1 and I though I should go to Peter Lougheed Provincial Park and hike to Three Isle Lake which is supposedly an easy hike. The drive on Highway # 40 was a bit difficult due to rain, fog and poorly lit road but I got myself to North Inter-lake Day Use Area around 07:15, I guess. The parking was almost full and I assume that's from the people who spend the nights in the area campgrounds. I head north and followed the trail. This area, I have heard, that is frequented by Grizzlies. I took my Bear Spray and had it ready. Not that I was sure I would be able to use it! There was not much activity on the trail. I only saw one jogging guy who passed me. The weather was rainy but it was not a heavy rainfall. After probably half hour or a little more, I can't recall clearly but I can say it was after crossing the first and main bridge, the hike continued from inside the forest and turned to a very boring and tedious walk! There was nothing to see but three and at spots fungi!
While on the trail in the early morning apparently I frightened this beautiful Grouse. It jumped on a tree and sat there!
I eventually reached Fork Campground where there were a few signs directing either to Turbine Canyon or Three Isle Lake. The rainfall was turned to a heavy one and got almost soaked. I couldn't figure out which way I should have taken. The maps were not very clear and I had not brought any map of myself. There were a few guys who were preparing breakfast in the rain(!) and I asked one of them. They apparently were not aware of their surroundings and had to refer to a printed map. My guess was that I had to continue parallel to the river or stream but the maps were not clear. It was almost 10:00 and I had wasted at least 20 minutes. I decided to head back then. 
There was really nothing on the way back to the parking lot expect for a few small lazy groups which apparently were going to one of the campgrounds to spend the night because they were carrying big backpacks which I would have, had I have a plan to ascend Mt. Kilimanjaro
Mountain has an interesting shape at one spot shortly after the hike started
It was cats and dogs coming down so when I sat in the car, I was soaked. This was not a very bad exercise but a disappointing hike. My left knee and the back of it hurt. I don't know whether it was because lack of exercise or something else. I should probably see a doctor or Chiropractor for it. The fall in Kananaskis is very beautiful and I saw one guy on Highway # 40 with a big lens and umbrella taking photo of the woods around Barrier Lake but I was in a rush to get home because I was tired not as result of the hike. It was because I had not slept more than 4 hours and the failed hike ruined my spirit! 
(Photo: Mt. Putnik is a major mountain in the area and close to the lake. It has something to do with Serbia and that's how it has been named. Why a Serbian name has been chosen for a mountain in Canada which is part of British colony and still has Queen Elizabeth II as its monarch, would be a question some might want to ask!!)

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