Sunday, October 26

Rather Stupid Idea of Toyota

I drove over the curb while I was turning to 17 Ave. and after about 200 m. (Which is pretty long!) I noticed something is wrong and the car is like being pulled to the right side of the road! I turned to 17A St., pulled over and turned on my double-signals. Found a flat tire!
But why I'm writing such an usual event here. The point is Toyota provides an emergency tire that you can not use it as a regular one!!! It's narrower and of course lighter. It's written in the manual that the driver should avoid the bumps and such obstacles and not drive faster than 80 km/h!!
Imagine what will happen to you if you are on a trip! For example you are driving in Highway No. 2 from Calgary to Edmonton and you have a puncture. You change the tire and start driving and you don't dare drive faster than 70 km/h while the speed limit is 110 km/h. Although it's written that there's a road service (A toll free number) for Toyota but when I called them the recorded message stated that they are off!
I've to talk to the dealer about that. Tomorrow.

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