Friday, March 16


When I bought the Acer laptop, I obviously connected it to the Shaw Internet I had. The wireless switch was on and I didn't notice that. So I received different message off and on from the computer saying for example You're connected to this or You got disconnected from that and I didn't know what's happening.
Then I appreciated that the said messages are from the different local wireless sources and I simply could use them. When I switched to this Toshiba laptop I discovered a few unsecured wireless sources, the ones that you don't need a password or security code to use it. And now after my cable was taken yesterday, I'm using them and it's good. There are usu. 3 unsecured available and one could be Futureshop's and I use whatever has a better condition. The signal conditions are defined as Excellent, Good, Fair, Low and Poor by the system and there are times that you can't get connected at all but that rarely happens. Here's how free Internet service works. Some organizations and cafes present free Internet service. For example Starbucks and Talisman and also Calgary International Airport but the Airport just limits you to the facilities at the airport. For example restaurants, hotels, retailers, flights and other services. I haven't tried the other two I just named but I will. I will try any free wireless Internet possible and may be I don't pay for that anymore! In the move Firewall I watched last year wireless Internet service is shown available free all around the city of Seattle. That would be the first American city I visit soon.

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