Saturday, March 15

Mission: Impossible, Extended

I don’t watch CBC that much I used to back to the time I used to live in Calgary because now I have cable TV and different channels so why would I limit myself to the 3 or 4 stations?
Nevertheless last week I was watching The National and it was said that the mission to Afghanistan is extended for two more years. Canadian Forces were supposed to live Afghanistan in Feb. of ’09 but the parliament voted for extension. It’s said that both the Liberals and the Conservatives (the current Government) vote in favour of extension. NATO also was supposed to have a meeting in Bucharest to discuss the Afghanistan mission and the possibility of sending more troops to the conflict region of south, after that but I have no news on that matter. 80 members of Canadian Forces have lost their lives so far in Afghanistan but not much progress has been made.
An Afghan was shown on TV, talking about the mission. He said that the extension was good but the strategy should have been changed which is right I guess. There’s no doubt that CF is only there because the US want them to be and they can’t refuse as a ally of the States but if no change is being made in that country, what’s the point?
After all it’s good news for me because I have CF as one of my opportunities! I don’t care if I get killed. I just don’t want to get disabled, that’s it. I contacted CF recruiting office in Vancouver last week regarding my Navy position application and the officer lady over there said that I had to be patient. She said that it was only a year. “It might take 2 years, 3 years” She added! She said that I could give her a call in 6 months! Who the hell knows what will happen in a year or two? I might not be physically fit to suit the job. But the reality is I can keep myself healthy and fit up to that time if I really want to join the Navy.
I talked to FF in that regard once and she said that while I have to keep position in progress, a separated-married life is not a good one. She’s right. I have to study harder and also work harder in order to be able to find a good career.
(Photo: Caskets of fallen Canadian soldiers waiting to be sent home)

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