Today was the election day too. I didn't vote, of course, as I'm not a citizen yet. Paul Martin won the election. Actually Liberals won the election so they are able to keep the Prime Minister, who is from their party, on power. It seems that the recent scandal didn't affect Canadians. Liberals won the minority government as they just got 134 seats in the Parliament. A majority government has 155 seats. Now I understand the election system of Canada. The complete result is as what's indicated in the above table. One question remains: Will the minority government survive?
Monday, June 28
One Year Later
Today was the election day too. I didn't vote, of course, as I'm not a citizen yet. Paul Martin won the election. Actually Liberals won the election so they are able to keep the Prime Minister, who is from their party, on power. It seems that the recent scandal didn't affect Canadians. Liberals won the minority government as they just got 134 seats in the Parliament. A majority government has 155 seats. Now I understand the election system of Canada. The complete result is as what's indicated in the above table. One question remains: Will the minority government survive?
Sunday, June 27
Mom's Here
Mom arrived in Calgary after one day delay, finally today in the morning. Yesterday I went to the airport without calling them. Damn stupid me! I was told there that the flight had been delayed and all the passengers were settled down in a hotel in London, UK. Therefore I drove back home while cursing me!
Friday, June 25
I received the exam result today from ASQ. I failed! God damn me! As I wrote before, I didn't study the DOE part and that was an important part of the BOK. I guess I have to spend almost $150 to buy a DOE reference and study it hard. I, too, may buy the CQE BOK of ASQ. The last one I used was Quality Council of Indiana's and I had lots of problem with that. I sent at least 5 e-mails to them (may be more) and asked the vague parts. Besides that there are parts that I had to use another references or I didn't study at all and that was one of the reasons of failing.
The following is my results, compare to the average of people who passed the exam. I got 460 and the least score I needed (and I'll need) is 550.
Sunday, June 20
Greek Salad
This is the list:
Large tomatoes
Artichoke hearts (Ray uses avocado)
A handful of olives
1 medium cucumber
1 medium onion
1 big green pepper
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Feta Cheese
Oregano, salt and pepper to taste
Simply cut the vegetable (Except olive, of course) add cheese, olive, olive oil, vinegar and seasonings and mix them. Ready to serve. Enjoy!
(Photo: This is the Greek Salad I made using Ray's recipe)
Friday, June 18
I'm suspended for three days from work! The reason: Being subordinate! what does that even mean?
...Anyways. The next time I'll be there is Mon. Today we went to World Health Club in Sunridge Mall and Ray got a 7 day free membership for me. If I like it, I can get a monthly membership for just $49. He helped me to save a $199 administrative fee! We worked out together and that was very good. I did that may be after 2.5 years. Skipping, machines, abdominal, etc. It reminded me of my wrestling exercises in Polytechnic. Good old days.
...Anyways. The next time I'll be there is Mon. Today we went to World Health Club in Sunridge Mall and Ray got a 7 day free membership for me. If I like it, I can get a monthly membership for just $49. He helped me to save a $199 administrative fee! We worked out together and that was very good. I did that may be after 2.5 years. Skipping, machines, abdominal, etc. It reminded me of my wrestling exercises in Polytechnic. Good old days.
Wednesday, June 16
Das Boot
Completion: The DVD has the option of playing the movie in German, with English subtitle
(Photo: This is the engine room in Das Boot, probably after an attack. The mechanic or whatever his title is, is shouting an order or replying back)
Lessons Learnt from Job Offers and Interviews
I found a new opportunity in my field, but not as an engineer last Sat. and applied for that online. The job as a Quality Control Technician was posted by a recruiting agency in Downtown Calgary. As I knew later, it's in 5th Ave. SW, Petro-Canada building. The agency is called Randstad. They called me but first I didn't know who they were. Therefore I didn't pick up the phone. As they left a message and I listened to it, I found out that, it's them. Made everything (My resume, cover letter and the company profile) ready and called them. Nobody answered. I left a message and gave my number.
In the afternoon of Sun. while me and Keiv. were in our way to a Domino's Pizza to meet a guy who works there and also in a spring manufacturer company to see if there's any opportunity there, my mobile rang and a young girl started talking and said I had called her number. This is Mina! (Probably an East Indian) I understood that I dialed a wrong number, apologized and get her number to avoid mixing up again with the recruiter's. I called the recruiter, Mon. in the morning and he set up an interview for today at 09:00 AM.
I woke up at 07:30 today and got ready to go. The only damn problem was the f**king tie! I still don't know how to wear a tie! Therefore I called Keiv. and woke him up and asked if he can help me with that. He said yes, obviously and I drove to his place, while it was already late. In my way to Keiv.'s I called the guy and said that I would be a little late. I would be there around 09:15 AM. By the time I was in 5th Ave. SW, by Petro-Canada building, It was 09:11 AM, I guess. I tried to park the car in the parking in front of the building but there was a motherf**ker, stupid, I guess, Latino faggot, who said there was no room for my car. I turned back and saw he let the car behind me in! It was too late and I drove back home!
What I learnt is:
1- I never apply for a job as a Technician again.
2- I try to set up all the interviews in the morning, if they are in f**king Downtown!
3- I have to learn how to wear a damn tie, by myself!
In the afternoon of Sun. while me and Keiv. were in our way to a Domino's Pizza to meet a guy who works there and also in a spring manufacturer company to see if there's any opportunity there, my mobile rang and a young girl started talking and said I had called her number. This is Mina! (Probably an East Indian) I understood that I dialed a wrong number, apologized and get her number to avoid mixing up again with the recruiter's. I called the recruiter, Mon. in the morning and he set up an interview for today at 09:00 AM.
I woke up at 07:30 today and got ready to go. The only damn problem was the f**king tie! I still don't know how to wear a tie! Therefore I called Keiv. and woke him up and asked if he can help me with that. He said yes, obviously and I drove to his place, while it was already late. In my way to Keiv.'s I called the guy and said that I would be a little late. I would be there around 09:15 AM. By the time I was in 5th Ave. SW, by Petro-Canada building, It was 09:11 AM, I guess. I tried to park the car in the parking in front of the building but there was a motherf**ker, stupid, I guess, Latino faggot, who said there was no room for my car. I turned back and saw he let the car behind me in! It was too late and I drove back home!
What I learnt is:
1- I never apply for a job as a Technician again.
2- I try to set up all the interviews in the morning, if they are in f**king Downtown!
3- I have to learn how to wear a damn tie, by myself!
Sunday, June 13
A Disgusting Week
This week is one of the worst weeks that I've ever experienced! It was rainy and windy all week and I had a cold and I still have that damn cold. Last night I felt so bad that I was shaking like a leaf. I guess I had fever too. Coughing and headache. Had to take dozen of pills and other medicines. Besides that, have to stay home and may not be able to go to work tomorrow.
Today I applied for a job as a Quality Technician, in Calgary. This is the first job application since Apr.27. (45 days ago). There were no opportunity for a long time.
Today I applied for a job as a Quality Technician, in Calgary. This is the first job application since Apr.27. (45 days ago). There were no opportunity for a long time.
Monday, June 7
Elena Is Gone
Elena e-mailed me and said she could not wait until next summer for our meeting and prefers to stop corresponding with me. It's OK. What can I do? She's thousands of kilometers away from me and thinks it's easy to fly to Russia to see her. Regardless of the ticket cost, I have no free time to go there. The best scenario would be a travel to Europe, next summer, then Iran and the final destination could be Russia. But she's not patient. Therefore I e-mailed her back and mentioned that whatever she wants, would be acceptable by me.
She could be a good wife, although I don't know her. At least I could see Russia, the country I always dream about, but now it's gone. I think I can find another girl through the net. Elena started mailing me. She found me through a friend finder , the website that I was a member for a short time. Her English is very poor but I thought she could learn. I think she has found someone in there as she's a very pretty girl. Here is one of her e-mails to me:
Good afternoon, my dear!
Today at us it is again hot!
And yesterday there was a rain. A strong rain!
And on this I would not like where - that to be late.
Besides I all have got wet. As since morning has not taken with itself
in the morning for work a umbrella.
How at you mood?
You think of me?
I yes! And I very much like to think of you!!!
But sometimes I should interrupt from these pleasant ideas.
Though it is very a pity … …..
Very much, very much you I love!!!
Passionately you kiss!!!!
Strong I embrace!!!!
Your sweet girl!
I think of you!
The letter is written on June.02, just 4 days before she complain about the date of my travel to Russia! It means she has found someone in the between, probably someone in Canada, where she always dreams about!
She could be a good wife, although I don't know her. At least I could see Russia, the country I always dream about, but now it's gone. I think I can find another girl through the net. Elena started mailing me. She found me through a friend finder , the website that I was a member for a short time. Her English is very poor but I thought she could learn. I think she has found someone in there as she's a very pretty girl. Here is one of her e-mails to me:
Good afternoon, my dear!
Today at us it is again hot!
And yesterday there was a rain. A strong rain!
And on this I would not like where - that to be late.
Besides I all have got wet. As since morning has not taken with itself
in the morning for work a umbrella.
How at you mood?
You think of me?
I yes! And I very much like to think of you!!!
But sometimes I should interrupt from these pleasant ideas.
Though it is very a pity … …..
Very much, very much you I love!!!
Passionately you kiss!!!!
Strong I embrace!!!!
Your sweet girl!
I think of you!
The letter is written on June.02, just 4 days before she complain about the date of my travel to Russia! It means she has found someone in the between, probably someone in Canada, where she always dreams about!
The Lightnings: 03-04 Champions
After the Flames lost the 6th game in Calgary in overtime, the team went to Florida for the 7th and last game. Tampa beat the Flames, 2-1 and won the Stanley Cup. The Flames did great this season, eliminating Vancouver, Detroit and San Jose. No one could believe that. Hope to see them as good as this, in the next season. I didn't go to any of the playoff games and didn't watch any complete game but enjoyed some moments. I don't know how people can stay there in arena for 2 hours! You are much more comfortable at home, able to watch the interesting moments through different cameras and slow motion, can go to washroom, if you need and your favorite snack is available. Besides you don't have to drive and buy the ticket!
Sunday, June 6
Allied Forces began the major attack to remove Germans from Europe, 60 years ago a day like today, June 6th 1944. D-Day are remembered all over Europe and North America every year and veterans remeber their comrades who died in such a day. Allied forces, which was comprised of Americans, British and Canadaians, mainly, invaded France, the attack that finally led to defeat of Nazis.
The day was remebered in major cities of Canada and also in France where a cemetery takes care of bodies of 359 Canadian soldiers who lost their livse in those days.
Steven Spielberg illustrated the D-Day invasion in his movie Saving Private Ryan. The movie won different Oscars including best cinematography by Polish cinematographer Janusz Kaminski. The first 20 min. of the movie shows the massacre of young American soldiers. The slaughter which was planned by Americans, partially. They paid for that because they knew there's a benefit waiting for them: governing Europe through Marshall Plan and stoppage of Soviets as part of their anti-communism plans.
(Photo: Tom Hanks in the opening scene of the movie)
Saturday, June 5
CQE Exam.
Although I didn't sleep enough last night but woke up on time and went to SAIT to write CQE exam. I hardly found the room as I sometimes become a real idiot! I didn't even take a look at the ASQ's paper as the building and room number is written on it. For the reason, I get to the room just 5 min. before the exam started! There were only 7 applicants present, including me! 2 Canadian girls, 2 East Indian men, 2 Canadian guys and me.
It was not a difficult exam but I made several mistakes:
1- I had not studied the last chapter of CQE Primer which is about DOE, Taguchi's Loss Function and Goodness of fit. DOE is very important and there were at least 6 questions about it in the exam. God damn Quality Council of Indiana and f**k its useless reference! I have to buy a book about DOE anyways.
2- I didn't take my calculator as it's written in the ASQ paper that kind of mine is not allowed in the exam! Therefore I couldn't answer 2 questions about factorial (!) and one about exponential (e).
3- I didn't read the letter and I really didn't know where the exam is as there's usually signs all over the school. By the time I get there it was 07:55 but it didn't change anything, though. It was definitely stupid.
4- I could take more useful references. For example Statistical Process Control and Quality Improvement by Gerald M. Smith is a good reference. Also a reliable and good reference for DOE and other subjects that I know I may need a reference.
** I have to concentrate on the following subjects, if I wanna write the exam again, in case of failing:
a) Linear Regression.
b) DOE (A complete and deep study is essential. Design and Analysis of Experiments, Fifth Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery must be purchased)
c) Risk Priority Number (RPN) in FMEA.
d) Refer to Supervision in Canada Today for different job satisfactory theories. I don't know why it's here!
e) CQE Codes of Ethics.
It was not a difficult exam but I made several mistakes:
1- I had not studied the last chapter of CQE Primer which is about DOE, Taguchi's Loss Function and Goodness of fit. DOE is very important and there were at least 6 questions about it in the exam. God damn Quality Council of Indiana and f**k its useless reference! I have to buy a book about DOE anyways.
2- I didn't take my calculator as it's written in the ASQ paper that kind of mine is not allowed in the exam! Therefore I couldn't answer 2 questions about factorial (!) and one about exponential (e).
3- I didn't read the letter and I really didn't know where the exam is as there's usually signs all over the school. By the time I get there it was 07:55 but it didn't change anything, though. It was definitely stupid.
4- I could take more useful references. For example Statistical Process Control and Quality Improvement by Gerald M. Smith is a good reference. Also a reliable and good reference for DOE and other subjects that I know I may need a reference.
** I have to concentrate on the following subjects, if I wanna write the exam again, in case of failing:
a) Linear Regression.
b) DOE (A complete and deep study is essential. Design and Analysis of Experiments, Fifth Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery must be purchased)
c) Risk Priority Number (RPN) in FMEA.
d) Refer to Supervision in Canada Today for different job satisfactory theories. I don't know why it's here!
e) CQE Codes of Ethics.
Friday, June 4
Iranian Devil
Ray, my new roommate, has a wonderful story but it's too long to be narrated all here at once. One of the interesting parts of his life was serving the Navy. He's a sharp guy and also strong. He does martial arts and works out when he has time. He also fought in Iran-Iraq war. Therefore he was accepted by the Navy and served there but only left to finish the school and get his Ph. D. They used to call him Iranian Devil there.
Completion: I now understand that he served the Navy in order to be able to continue the school. They provide you with fund and other things, I guess. Something he never told me like many other things. He lies a lot and made up stories. But you find out soon and never buy what he says again and never trust him.
(Photo: Ray, wearing camouflage in the Navy training)
One Win Away from the Cup
The Flames beat the Lightnings in Florida and is ready to win the Cup this Sat. in Calgary. I and Ray were watching the 1st and the only overtime of the game together. After several attacks by Tampa which resulted in nothing, I noticed that they r fatigued now and just try to defend multiple Calgary’s attacks and told that to Ray. Finally, in about 6 min. to go, Oleg Saprykin the Russian player of the Flames, passed the puke through his compatriots’ legs and made Calgary the winner. A sweet 3-2 OT win.
If Calgary wins Sat. game, Lord Stanley's Cup will be the Flames’ after 15 years again.

This photo taken by the net's camera shows just a sec. before the puke crosses Khabibulin's and Calgary wins another game in overtime.
If Calgary wins Sat. game, Lord Stanley's Cup will be the Flames’ after 15 years again.
This photo taken by the net's camera shows just a sec. before the puke crosses Khabibulin's and Calgary wins another game in overtime.
Tuesday, June 1
Smoking is Banned
The new rule stating that smoking is forbidden in Toronto bars is very good. This is not the only city that have such a regulation. Some other cities in that province, including Ottawa, follow the same. The rule must be dispersed all across the country. This is one of the reasons that I never go to a bar. I've been to French Maid a couple of times in downtown Calgary. You can't even smoke there and when you get out, you smell like a chimney. You have to take a shower immediately and throw all your cloths to washing machine.
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