Friday, December 31

New Year's Eve (2)

It's New Year'e Eve and I'm sitting at my desk writing this. I just finished housekeeping. I'm off today and did basically nothing. Just read a few e-mails from friends including one from Alfred my Armenian friend from Polytechnic days, such a nice guy. He's doing his Masters in the States. Actually he went there to do a Ph. D. but as wrote me once there was no fund left and he has to to another Master degree as he did once in Iran! Don't remember what school and I haven't had a mail from him for about 2 years, I guess. I replied immediately and asked him to write me where he lives and what he does.
Ray (I'm gonna call him Resurrect ever since!) left home about an hour ago. He asked me to go out with him but I made fun of him. The guy needs to be resurrected!
M. Tanha sent me a message to my mobile phone and said Happy New Year. I gotta call him tomorrow or may be later. He's a true friend too. Keiv called me last night when I was in Downtown's Tim Horton's reading a book and I didn't answer the phone for the 15th time, I guess. F**king stupid potbellied had a good lesson! That all for tonight.
I hope the year 2005 is a better year for me. I don't know. I'm totally f**ked up. I don't care about anything. I don't care what happens. The only thing I care about is I save some money write the damn CQE exam again, get Canadian passport and apply for Mom's and Farzin's residency. I'm frustrated so much. Every girl I step forward for, will be gone immediately! Victoria, Denise (I'll write about her), Renay, ... and recently I asked a Canadian young girl out, Kelly. She took my phone number and after that ... just disappeared! I knew she was sick and went on leave of absence. May not come back again.
I was also supposed to go Edmonton and see my sweetheart, Renay but I'm here. Who can drive in this weather? It's -25ยบ C. Besides that I have to save money and traveling to Edmonton to see someone who says: My heart belongs to my ex-boyfriend and I won't ever marry. It will cost me at least $600, may be more . I know she just says that. She's young and lives with her family and studies in U of A. When she gets old, she'll find out what she said is just bull!


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