The pilot circled around the damn airport at least 5 times to reduce his altitude and speed while I had one eye on the screen and the other one looking outside the window. Passport control and baggage claim and everything after that were very easy though. The policeman just checked the passport to make sure that it’s not forged and then I got my luggage with no delay and went to get my ticket to Cologne. I paid almost €68 for a first class train to the city. The train arrived at the station underneath at 12:09 and I got in. ICE is a very nice train. German railroad, Bahn actually provides excellent service. The train travels as fast as 287 KM and you feel nothing. I arrived exactly in Cologne city centre at 01:05 AM and I saw Cyrus shortly after I got off the train. I had already notifies him of the time of my arrival through the phone. We hugged each other. He seemed excited and overjoyed. I wasn’t so taken aback because I had seen him a few times through the webcam. Beside I’m in Germany for Germany not for him!
(Photo: I was sitting by the window and had the chance to look outside while the plane was circling. I saw so many electrical windmills and if you have a keen eye you can see a few above the wing. A considerable amount of electricity is produced through windmills in Germany in addition to nuclear power plants)
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