Monday, January 7

Glenbow Museum

We went to Glenbow Museum today. That was my second time. The first time I went with Mom back in 2004. The main entrance and gift shop has been changed. I am fine with the main entrance but the gift shop has been pushed sort of back and is not in your way when getting in and out. So might not be very good for their business. When I was there in the first time the entrance was from the gift shop or very close to it so you had the opportunity to see what's available.
Anyways the sections for Asian and African history, as well as Aboriginals, Mining and War and war was the same. I guess the only part changed was the History of Albertathat I realized changes in it. I think different items were displayed but still good. There were also paintings which were nice. We started at about 12:20 and finished at around 16:30 but got too tired and I missed the photography of the War section because I ran out of battery on my camera! But I spent very good time in Asian history which is the best as well as the aboriginals. I might go again for the third time and this time I will start from the 4th floor and come down and will make sure that I finish the War section completely and then I will spend whatever left on the rest.

(Photo: Artist has tried to give the reader how the creatures of the sea looked like 375 million years ago! According to the geological studies Alberta was a big sea on that time period called Devonian and creatures like these used to live in it. This is shown in the museum and looks like a terrarium)

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