Tuesday, February 19

The Very Long and Chilly Winter

I still go for my jogging whenever I got a chance but not very regularly. This winter for reasons unknown feels longer and much colder. I had a good jog by Bow River today which took more than 22 min. but yesterday when I went to Nose Hill, it was so windy, foggy and cold that just after going up I walked a bit and headed down right after that. May be it feels longer and colder simply because I have other struggles at life and F. F. nags about the weather too! But I think it's more than that. May be I'm getting older! I have to keep up the exercises or I will be overweight and sick. I started putting on a new pair of pants which is not really comfortable. I actually wear that now because it reminds me of my size and forces me to watch I eat more than ever. For someone like me who spend between 5 and 6 hours at the desk most of the days of a week, a planned and regular exercise is a must. It was not bad going to Talisman every other day but the cost is too high: Gasoline, membership, time on the road, etc. No I simply go to one of the parks of paths and run and soon I will be adding other movements too. You have to use the best of it with the minimum cost possible.
(Photo: I took a shot of this nest when was walking back down the hills of Nose Hill yesterday. Here it is calm and cool because this little number of trees are in a valley-like passage but up the it was so windy and cold!)

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