Monday, May 20

Disappointing Experience With Ralph Klein Park

I had heard about Ralph Klein Park before going there this morning but I gotta say: It was a very disappointing trip to the south east side of the City. I always admired Ralph Klein although I didn't know him very much and had very little experience with him but it was interesting to me to have a park named after somebody who was alive at the time. So I decided to go this morning to see what it was about. 
First off this park is far away from any neighbourhood so I really see no reason why the City should spend money to build a park where all the surrounding is industrial places. The other problem is the City of Calgary website says that the park is closed Mondays and holidays but the gate was wide open. I don't think anybody could steal anything but there are always sick people who could cause damage. There was only one SUV parked in the park and I didn't see anyone around. 
The construction of the park is not finished yet. I saw what looked liked Bobcats and pile of stones which showed work had not been finished yet. I certainly believe that the City could have finished the park first and then advertise for it. I understand that the City of Calgary's authorities are working hard to make a modern city but looks like they either lack intellectual resources or a good management. Another example of that is building a bridge over Bow River which already have enough! Millions of dollars was spent, not to mention the asshole who was hired to design it, just because someone in the City had though it would have been cool to have another bridge, a fancy one while that money could have been used much smarter. 
(Photo: Construction vehicles are still seen at the other side of this pond like water in Ralph Klein Park. I really liked these glass information signs that the City has put here and there but didn't get a nice shot. May be I will when the park's construction is finished!)

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