Sunday, July 28

Government's Good Plan to Assist the Flood Victims

There are still arguments and allegations more than one month after the flood in Calgary and it will be much longer in High River, I am sure. The thing I like about the Government's, and I think it is the Provincial Government, handling this disaster is the way they paid people to compensate for their losses. The Government did not issue cheques to the claimants. They gave them Debit Cards(!) which is absolutely smart. Considering there are lots of crooks out there, especially among young Canadians, teenagers, university, college and high school, who are desperately looking for such easy cash to spend it on booze and weed, go to the bars and nightclubs at 06:00 PM, coming out totally wasted at 04:00 AM the next day, it should be a total disappointment for them. Now with this so called Debit Card whatever they spend will be shown on the statement and there is no chance in hell to have fun with it!
(Photo: A familiar scene in Calgary in flood days. Everything is now almost back to normal) 

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