Monday, January 11

Disgusted by McDonald's

I used to go to McDonald's a lot. I remember even there was a time that I was there every single day but that was for breakfast or coffee only, not that they are much better than the other sandwiches! For the past 5 years or so I haven't gotten anything from McDonald's but it's coffee, maybe a sandwich or two and at times a piece of pastry from it's McCafe locations.
Now that I am kicked out of work I need somewhere to sit in and do my online course that I will write about it later, as staying at home all day long makes me agitated and bored. All the McDonald's restaurant in Downtown, which are three, even the ones a bit further are disgusting. They are mostly occupied by homeless, drug addicts, drunk and disorderly Natives, etc. I have nothing against these poor people and I hope all of them get back to normal life one day and I know that would not happen unless they want to and it's very tough to do but they make the location very uncomfortable to enjoy. I like McDonald's coffee and I like the fact that you can get a free refill but they emit a very unpleasant odor most of the time, they bug you for change and even a few poor ones suffer from mental issues so they approach you and sit at your table and start a conversation.
I don't believe there's any law in Canada that forbids people from going to a business simply because they are not well-dressed or stink unless there's a disturbance that makes the staff to throw him or her out or call the police, which rarely happens. The fact that McDonald's food is the cheapest and it has locations throughout cities, makes it a rest spot for the homeless people who make their trip during the day and night, similar to what George Orwell describes in his book Down and Low in Paris and London. So if you're in a McDonald's in winter and that location is either in Downtown or quite close to it, there's a big chance  that the door opens every few minutes and a person with a backpack 
This person was enjoying a late morning nap when I entered this location of McDonald's on 17th Ave. and 35 St. SW shortly before noon!
and shabby cloths enters. I have to say that I have nothing against these pour people. They are people who suffer from a mental break-down. Just a few days ago I was sitting in a McDonald's in Downtown and I saw a guy with backpack going to different tables and checking left-overs. In one tray he found a bunch of French Fries and got them all down. Then he suddenly sat in front of me at the table and start saying something by mumbling a few words while squeezing a Calgary Sun! At first I didn't realize that he was crazy. I thought he had asked for change or something but then I saw that he was whispering and mumbling at the same time and had no option but displacing! I now have to limit the number of trips to McDonald's or avoid crazy location and busy hours such as lunch.
(Photo: McDonald's in MacLeod Tr. north close to 39 Ave. C-Train Station is a gathering point for homeless as well as Chinese. The later frequently visit there, mostly on Sun. because a Chinese church is just a few minutes away. All four booths seen in the photo are occupied by homeless)

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